August 7, 2018 at 4:30 PM - Work Study Session
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I. Call to Order
II. Superintendent Check-In - Osorio
III. Policies - Osorio
III.A. Policy Review Proposed Rescind, Adopt, Revise
III.A.1. Rescind Policies
III.A.1.a. G-000 (Board Governance)
III.A.1.b. G-040 (Board & Community Relations)
III.A.1.c. E-013 (Whole Student Development)
III.A.1.d. E-050 (District Administrative Operations)
III.A.1.e. E-053 (Decision Making)
III.A.1.f. E-054 (Accountability System)
III.A.1.g. E-070 (Monitoring & Reporting)
III.A.1.h. E-081 (Strategic Plan)
III.A.1.i. E-086 (Security Badges)
III.A.1.j. L-000 (Global Limitations)
III.A.1.k. L-022 (Violations of a Drug-Free Workplace)
III.A.1.l. L-030 (Untimely, Inaccurate, Incomplete Information, Analysis & Assessment Reporting)
III.A.1.m. L-050 (Non-Compliance of Expectations of Customer Service)
III.A.1.n. L-070 (Violations of the Administrators' Code of Conduct)
III.A.2. Revise Policies
III.A.2.a. G-010 (Board Authority & Self Governance)
III.A.2.b. SBR-000 (Superintendent-Board Relationship)
III.A.2.c. E-040 (Development & Management of Human Resources)
III.A.2.d. E-042 (Acceptable Use of Wireless Devices for Employees)
III.A.2.e. E-060.1 (School District Intellectual Property Rights)
III.A.2.f. E-096 (Procuring Materials and Services)
III.A.2.g. L-021 (Unprofessional Non-School Employment Activities of District Personnel)
III.A.3. Adopt Policy
III.A.3.a. E-048 (Subpoena of a School District Employee)
III.B. 2018 Legislative Session Proposed Policy Revisions and Adoption
III.B.1. Revise Policies
III.B.1.a. G-033 (Open Meetings & Closed Meetings)
III.B.1.b. G-035 (Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints/Data Privacy Considerations)
III.B.1.c. E-008 (Gifts to Employees and School Board Members)
III.B.1.d. E-018 (Immunization Requirements)
III.B.1.e. E-026 (Transportation of Public School Students)
III.B.1.f. E-027 (Transportation of Nonpublic School Students)
III.B.1.g. E-041 (Employment Background Checks)
III.B.1.h. E-046 (Criminal or Civil Action Against School District, School Board Member, Employee, or Student)
III.B.1.i. E-072 (Enrollment of Nonresident Students)
III.B.1.j. E-083 (Distribution of Nonschool-Sponsored Materials on School Premises by Students & Employees)
III.B.1.k. E-085 (Employee-Student Relationships)
III.B.1.l. EM-020.1 (Equal Educational Opportunity)
III.B.1.m. EM-020.2 (Equal Employment Opportunity)
III.B.1.n. EM-020.4 (Public and Private Personnel Data)
III.B.1.o. EM-020.7 (Harassment & Violence)
III.B.1.p. EM-020.9 (Drug-Free School)
III.B.1.q. EM-020.10 (Tobacco-Free Environment)
III.B.1.r. EM-020.15 (Student Discipline & Notice of Suspension)
III.B.1.s. EM-020.21 (Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy)
III.B.1.t. EM-020.25 (Student Transportation Safety Policy)
III.B.1.u. EM-020.34 (Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers)
III.B.2. Adopt Policy
III.B.2.a. E-062 (Public Data Requests)
IV. Adjourn