May 24, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Public Comment
An opportunity for public to comment on items pertaining to the agenda. Speakers shall complete a registration card, state their name and address, and will have between two and four minutes, depending on the number of speakers, to speak on an agenda topic. The Public Comment section of the meeting shall last no longer than thirty minutes. |
IV. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda consists of routine items that are acted on in a single, consolidated motion without Board discussion. Board members have the option of pulling items off the Consent Agenda if they wish to discuss them or consider them individually. |
IV.A. Minutes of April 26, 2016 Business Meeting
IV.B. Minutes of May 10, 2016 Work Study Session
IV.C. Routine Personnel
IV.D. Bid Calendar
IV.E. Bid Awards
IV.F. Student Transportation Contract Award
IV.G. Disbursements
V. Reports
V.A. Student School Board Representatives
V.B. Superintendent - Osorio
V.B.1. Strategic Plan Update
V.B.2. Recognition of Charlotte Zangs
V.C. Teaching & Learning
V.C.1. AVID- Miller/Neblett
V.D. District 916 - Hayes
VI. Discussion
VI.A. Policies - Osorio
VI.A.1. Revise
VI.A.1.a. G-035 (Public Participation in School Board Meetings/Complaints/Data Privacy Considerations)
VI.A.1.b. G-050 (Policy Stewardship)
VI.A.1.c. E-007 (Advertising)
VI.A.1.d. E-014 (Graduation Requirements)
VI.A.1.e. E-018 (Immunization Requirements)
VI.A.1.f. E-021 (Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse)
VI.A.1.g. E-022 (Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults)
VI.A.1.h. E-026 (Transportation of Public School Students)
VI.A.1.i. E-027 (Transportation of Nonpublic School Students)
VI.A.1.j. E-047 (Drug and Alcohol Testing)
VI.A.1.k. E-058 (Waste Reduction & Recycling)
VI.A.1.l. E-072 (Enrollment of Nonresident Students)
VI.A.1.m. E-074 (Extended School Year for Certain Students with Individualized Education Programs)
VI.A.1.n. E-089 (Assessment of Student Achievement)
VI.A.1.o. E-090 (Testing Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEPs, Section 504 Plans, and LEP Students)
VI.A.1.p. E-091 (Credit for Learning)
VI.A.1.q. EM-020.1 (Equal Educational Opportunity)
VI.A.1.r. EM-020.2 (Equal Employment Opportunity)
VI.A.1.s. EM-020.3 (Disability Nondiscrimination)
VI.A.1.t. EM-020.4 (Public & Private Personnel Data & Form: Employee Authorization for Release of Information)
VI.A.1.u. EM-020.6 (Family & Medical Leave)
VI.A.1.v. EM-020.7 (Harassment & Violence Policy & Religious, Racial or Sexual Harassment)
VI.A.1.w. EM-020.8 (Chemical Use & Abuse)
VI.A.1.x. EM-020.9 (Drug Free Workplace/Drug Free School)
VI.A.1.y. EM-020.12 (Students & Employees With Sexually Transmitted Infections & Diseases & Certain Other Communicable Diseases & Infectious Conditions)
VI.A.1.z. EM-020.15 (Student Discipline & Notice of Suspension)
VI.A.1.aa. EM-020.16 (Bullying Prohibition)
VI.A.1.ab. EM-020.17 (Protection & Privacy of Pupil Records & Public Notice & Juvenile Justice System Request for Information)
| EM-020.18 (Student Medication & Procedures)
| EM-020.20 (Student Sex Nondiscrimination (Title IX) & Unlawful Sex Discrimination Towards a Student Report Form)
| EM-020.23 (Use of Peace Officers & Crises Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds)
| EM-020.28 (School District System Accountability)
| EM-020.34 (Workload Limits for Certain Special Education Teachers)
VI.A.2. Adoption
VI.A.2.a. E-093 (School District Testing Plan & Procedure)
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Business Office
VII.A.1. Acknowledgement of Contributions - Yener
VII.A.2. 2015-2016 Budget Revisions - R. Anderson
VII.A.3. Initial Operating Referendum Resolution Setting the Election - R. Anderson
VII.A.4. Joint Powers Dissolution Agreement - R. Anderson
VII.A.5. Sublease Termination Agreement - R. Anderson
VII.A.6. Quit Claim Deed/Bill of Sale - R. Anderson
VII.B. Human Resources - Gray/Swinarski
VII.B.1. Unrequested Leave of Absence
VII.B.2. Delta Dental
VII.C. Teaching & Learning
VII.C.1. Approval of Two Year High School Concurrent Enrollment Pilot Project - Mau/Nelson
VII.D. School Board
VII.D.1. Set 2016-2017 Board Meeting Dates
VIII. Board Communications
IX. Future Board Meeting Dates
IX.A. June 28, 2016 Work Study Session 5:00 p.m. (Room 202)
IX.B. June 28, 2016 Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. (Board Room)