August 9, 2017 at 7:30 AM - Special
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Kevin Naumann, President
2. Roll Call
3. Presentation/Discussion Items and Possible Action
3.A. Purchase of Odysseyware
Dr. Wes Cunningham
3.B. Purchase of Instructional Materials- American Reading Company
Dr. Wes Cunningham
3.C. 2017-2018 Budget Amendment
Lisa LeMon
3.D. Authorization for Use of ESC Region 7 Regional Purchasing Cooperative
Lisa LeMon
4. Executive Session
4.A. Discussion of Professional Personnel (TX Govt. Code 551.074)
5. Reconvene from Executive Session
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Action Arising from Executive Session
6.A. Possible Approval of Personnel
7. Adjourn