September 19, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Rick Edwards, President
2. Roll Call
Rick Edwards, President
3. Invocation
Lee Ann Johnson
4. Pledge to the Flags
Karl Westerman
5. Vision Statement
Dr. Chris Allen
6. Administration of Oath of Office to Mr. Kevin Virdell
Krystal Dunk
7. Citizen Comments
8. Information Items
8.A. General Fund Summary
8.B. Expenditure Report
8.C. Bond Spreadsheet
9. Presentation/Discussion Items
9.A. Highland Lakes Legacy Fund Update
Donna Klaeger
9.B. Marble Falls High School Band Uniform Purchase
Brad Behrens
9.C. MSB Contract
Lisa LeMon
9.D. School Bus Purchase
Lisa LeMon
9.E. Maintenance Truck Purchase
Lisa LeMon
9.F. Marble Falls ISD Accountability Ratings
Dr. Melissa Fields
9.G. Marble Falls ISD Advanced Academics
Dr. Wes Cunningham and Dr. Melissa Fields
9.H. District and Campus Improvement Plans
Dr. Wes Cunningham
9.I. Professional Development Waiver Request
Dr. Wes Cunningham
9.J. Early Dismissal Waiver Request
Dr. Wes Cunningham
9.K. Foreign Exchange Student Waiver Request
Dr. Wes Cunningham
9.L. State Assessment Testing Day Modification Waiver Request
Dr. Wes Cunningham
10. Consider and Possible Approval of Action
10.A. Consent
10.A.1. Minutes from Regular Board Meeting held on August 29, 2016
10.A.2. Budget Amendments
10.A.3. Approval of the Resolutions Providing for the Sale of Property Acquired by Burnet Central Appraisal District at Delinquent Tax Sale - 3 Bids
10.B. Spring Band Trip
10.C. FFA Nationals Competition and Convention for State Championship Nursery Landscape Team
10.D. Policy Update 105 affecting Local Policies: BJCF, BQ, CLB, CLE, CPC, DBA, DFBB, DFFA, DFFB, EHBD,and FDC
10.E. Policy GF (Local) Update
10.F. Policy Update 106 affecting EHBAF(LOCAL)
10.G. Purchase of District Suburbans
10.H. Resolution Regarding Extracurricular Status of the 4-H Organization and Adjunct Faculty Agreement
11. Upcoming Meetings and Board Training Opportunities
11.A. Friday, September 23-25, 2016 - TASA/TASB Convention
11.B. Monday, October 17, 2016 - Regular Board Meeting
11.C. Tuesday, October 18, 2016 - Team of Eight Training
11.D. Monday, November 14, 2016 - Regular Board Meeting
12. Executive Session
12.A. Discussion of Professional Personnel (TX Govt. Code 551.074)
12.B. Discussion of Real Property (TX Govt. Code 551.072)
13. Reconvene from Executive Session
14. Discussion and Possible Approval of Action Arising from Executive Session
14.A. Possible Approval of Professional Personnel
15. Adjourn