June 20, 2016 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Rick Edwards, President
2. Roll Call
Rick Edwards, President
3. Invocation
Larry Berkman
4. Pledge to the Flags
Dr. Kelly Fox
5. Public Hearing
5.A. 2016-17 School Year Budget
Lisa LeMon
6. Executive Session
6.A. Consultation With the Board’s Attorney Regarding Pending or Contemplated Litigation or on a Matter In Which the Duty of the Attorney to the District Under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas Clearly Conflicts With The Provisions of the Government Code (TX Govt. Code 551.071)
6.B. Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee (TX Govt. Code 551.074)
7. Reconvene from Executive Session
8. Discussion and Possible Approval of Action Arising from Executive Session
8.A. Acceptance of Board Member Resignation
8.B. Possible Approval of Appointed Board Member
8.C. Possible Approval of Action Regarding Personnel Issues
9. Oath of Office
Julie Shaffer
10. Citizen Comments
11. Information Items
11.A. General Fund Summary
11.B. Expenditure Report
11.C. 2016-2017 Board Meeting Dates
12. Presentation/Discussion Items
12.A. TASB Survey Results
Dr. Chris Allen
12.B. ALPHA Facilities Study
Lisa LeMon
12.C. Update on Relationships with Institutions of Higher Education
Dr. Wes Cunningham
12.D. Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
Dr. Wes Cunningham
13. Consider and Possible Approval of Action
13.A. Consent
13.A.1. Minutes from Regular Board Meeting held May 16, 2016
13.A.2. Minutes from Special Board Meeting held June 6, 2016
13.A.3. End of Year 2015-2016 Budget Amendments
Lisa LeMon
13.B. 2016-2017 School Year Budget
Lisa LeMon
13.C. Engagement Letter with West, Davis & Company, Auditors
Lisa LeMon
13.D. Travis Central Appraisal District Resolution
Lisa LeMon
13.E. Designation of Fund Balance
Lisa LeMon
14. Executive Session
14.A. Discussion of Professional Personnel (TX Govt. Code 551.074)
14.B. Discussion of Real Property (TX Govt. Code 551.072)
14.C. Discussion of Superintendents Evaluation (TX Govt. Code 551.074)
15. Reconvene from Executive Session
16. Discussion and Possible Approval of Action Arising from Executive Session
16.A. Possible Approval of Professional Personnel
17. Adjourn