January 18, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Martin McLean, President
2. Roll Call
3. Invocation
Rick Edwards
4. Pledge to the Flags
Kelly Fox
5. Open Forum
6. Special Presentation for School Board Appreciation Month
7. Public Hearing on MFISD Report Card
Ryder Warren
8. Consent Agenda
Ryder Warren
8.A. Review and approval of minutes from December 14th
8.B. Review financial reports
9. Action Items
Ryder Warren
9.A. Report on MFISD budgeting process (requested by Westerman); discussion and possible approval of yearly financial audit
9.B. Discussion and possible approval of election contract with Burnet County Elections Administrator for general election on May 8, 2010
10. Superintendent's Report
10.A. Construction Update
Scott German
10.B. Report on Strategic Planning Process
Ryder Warren, Karl Westerman, Martin McLean
11. Discussion of Proposed Agenda Items for Regular February Meeting
12. Executive Session - Govt. Code 551.074
12.A. Discussion of superintendent's evaluation and contract
12.B. Discussion of personnel matters
13. Actions Arising from Executive Session
13.A. Discussion and possible approval of superintendent's annual evaluation
13.B. Discussion and possible approval of superintendent's contract
14. Adjourn