September 21, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Martin McLean, President
2. Roll Call
Martin McLean
3. Invocation
Kelly Fox
4. Pledge to the Flags
Kevin Naumann
5. Special Recognition by MFISD Board of Trustees
5.A. MFISD "Exemplary" Campuses - Marble Falls Elementary School and Spicewood Elementary School
5.B. Central Office Staff Member
5.C. MFISD Maintenance Staff
6. Open Forum
7. Consent Agenda
7.A. Review and approval of minutes from August 10th and 17th
7.B. Review of financial report
7.C. Approval of 2009-10 textbook committee
8. Action Items
8.A. Discussion and possible approval of 2009-10 Campus Improvement Plans
8.B. Discussion and possible approval of resolution designating the Burnet County 4-H organization as an extracurricular activity and granting extension agents adjunct faculty status
8.C. Discussion and possible approval of resolution providing for sale of property acquired by Burnet Central Appraisal District
8.D. Discussion and possible approval to purchase three school buses
9. Superintendent's Report
Ryder Warren
9.A. Quarterly Investment Report
Glenn Graham
9.B. Report on Career & Technology Program
Allen Roberts
Requested by Mr. Edwards
9.C. Report on TxDot Issue and HWY 1431
Ryder Warren
Requested by Mr. Naumann
9.D. H1N1 Update
Ryder Warren
Requested by Mr. McLean
10. Discussion of proposed agenda items for regular October meeting
11. Executive Session
11.A. Discussion of Superintendent’s Performance Goals (Govt. Code 551.074)
11.B. Discussion of Personnel Issues (Govt. Code 551.074)
11.C. Discussion of MFISD Security Audit (Govt. Code 551.076)
Carl Coleman
12. Action(s) arising from executive session
12.A. Approval of 2009-10 Superintendent’s Performance Objectives
12.B. Discussion and possible approval of professional personnel
13. Adjourn