April 8, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Open the Meeting - Call to Order
2. Approval of Absent Board Members if Necessary
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3. Welcome Guests
3.1. Teammates
Teammates director, Mrs. Sarah Bird, gave an overview and update on the Boone Central Teammate program. Over the past 5 years the mentoring program has grown from 15 mentors to 39, with an average number of 24 mentoring visits each during the school year.
4. Consent Agenda
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4.1. Meeting Agenda and Previous Meeting Minutes
4.2. Bill Roster and Financial Reports
5. Board Committee Reports
Board President Tim Stopak noted that the Middle School feasibility study is moving forward. Once the study is complete the primary information will be drafted into an executive summary and a public information plan will be developed based on recommendations of the study. The Athletic Cooperative committee members met with Newman Grove committee members on April 1st; agenda included discussion on the agreement terms, cooperative name, activities included in the agreement, updating of uniforms, location for activities, and addition of athletic trainer terms to the agreement. Mr. Stopak recognized Jerry Thieman's retirement request and noted his 44 years of service to the school district.
6. Administrative Reports
6.1. Elementary Principal
Mr. Theis noted that author, Stacy Kreycik Miller, was a guest in the elementary on March 22nd. State assessments are scheduled to begin April 9th.
6.2. Middle School Principal
Mr. Schutt noted that the high school science curriculum will need to be replaced within the next year due to the updated state standards. The MS speech team will participate in their final meet of the year on April 12th. 8th grade orientation is scheduled for April 11th.
6.3. High School Principal
Mr. Kravig recognized the 35 students who had perfect attendance for the third quarter. Boone Central has an average daily attendance rate of 95.9%. An overview of the drug testing program adopted at the beginning of the 18/19 school year, was provided to the board. Students who participated in the NECC Academic Contest/Conference Quiz Bowl were recognized for their achievement; the 9th grade quiz bowl placed 2nd at the Mid-Conference quiz bowl event.
6.4. Activities Director
6.5. Superintendent
Superintendent Hardwick noted the upcoming Safety and Security Active Shooter Tabletop activity that will take place on April 25th. Two grant funding sources will be used toward trainings focused on assessments, school improvement, and educator effectiveness. $26,000 in ESSA grant funding has and will continue to be used on professional development, teacher collaboration, data analysis, and strategic planning. $17,900 will be used toward improving educator effectiveness; an Educator Effectiveness team will focus on the development and adoption of a new teacher and principal evaluation tool aligned to our Marzano instruction model. Our focus is on the establishment of a rigorous system that will support a relentless focus on student results with leading indicators, and will empower teachers with the tools and resources necessary to grow their practice. The Marzano-focused teacher and principal evaluation model will be aligned to the Nebraska Performance Framework and will assist in accuracy, actionable feedback, and growth.
7. Public Comment
8. Action Items
8.1. Teacher Resignation - Alexandra Stahlecker, Gina Imus
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8.2. Job Description Adoption - Special Education Director, School Psychologist, Activities Director, Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Director, Administrator (Master), Special Education (Master)
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8.3. Elementary Principal Contract - Mr. Craig Theis
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8.4. High School Principal Contract - Mr. Erik Kravig
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8.5. Activities Director Contract - Mr. Jon Perone
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8.6. 8.6 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Director Contract - Mrs. Sarah Bird
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8.7. Special Education Director/School Psychologist Contract - Mr. Mark Hudson
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8.8. 2019-20 Teaching Contracts
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All positions for 2019-20 school year have been filled with the exception of High School English, Speech Language Pathologist, and High School Industrial Technology.
8.9. Gym Floor Refinishing
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9. Next Meeting Date
Next Board Meeting will be Monday, May 13, 2019 @ 7:30 p.m. at Boone Central High School Library.
10. Questions by the Media
11. Closed Session
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12. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.