May 14, 2018 at 7:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Opening the Meeting - Call to Order
2. Approval of Absent Board Members if Necessary
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Board Member Tim Stopak was present at 8:10 p.m.
3. Welcome Guests
4. Consent Agenda
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4.1. Meeting Agenda
4.2. Previous Board Meeting Minutes
4.3. Bill Roster
4.4. Financial Reports
4.4.1. General Fund and Lunch Fund Reports
4.4.2. Activity Fund Reports
4.4.3. Building Fund, Depreciation Fund, and Bond Fund Reports
5. Board Committee Reports
5.1. Petersburg Facility - Boiler and Sewer Repairs - Alternative Heating Options
Following the review of boiler quotes received in March 2018 for the Middle School boiler replacement it is recommended that additional research and alternative heating options be explored prior to making a final decision. Sewer line replacement quotes are still needed and will be considered by the board before proceeding with repair work.
5.2. Petersburg Facility - Study to define, assess, compare, and analyze current costs, future fiscal effect, and cost per student calculations
Superintendent Hardwick recommended that additional research and alternative heating options be explored for the Petersburg facility. It was also recommended that a comprehensive cost assessment of the middle school facility be considered to assist with all decision making. In addition, a recommendation was made to evaluate the fiscal effect of adequately maintaining the Petersburg building. This study would outline the anticipated physical, electrical, mechanical, and code requirements needed to maintain the facility. A cost per student study was also recommended.
5.3. Strategic Planning Meeting
Strategic Planning meeting will be scheduled at the end of July with Marcia Herring.
5.4. Summer Maintenance
Facility Committee met to review summer maintenance items including carpet replacement in some of the high school classrooms, finalizing all interior and exterior signage, laying sod around the greenhouse once construction is done, replacing sidewalk and curb around the building, removing shed from the playground, and replacing partitions in 2 sets of restrooms.
6. Administrative Reports
6.1. Elementary Principal
Mr. Feeney will notifiy parents of process for assigning elementary classes and teachers for the upcoming school year and will include recommended classroom supply lists. Student Assistance Team Leaders met to review practices and future goals which included the possible implementation of NDE recommended Multi-Tiered Systems of Support process (MTSS).
6.2. Middle School Principal
Mr. Schutt recognized the April CARDS winner, Ashlyn Krohn, a 7th grader at BCMS. Lexia, a Reading intervention program, specifically designed for adelescent aged students, has been piloted this past month at the middle school.
6.3. High School Principal
Mr. Kravig recognized those students who took part in the Close-Up trip this past month; noting the extensive opportunities and incredible experiences. BCS music students were recognized for their achievements at the District Music Contest on April 20th. The AdvancEd Engagement Review Report has been finalized. The results will be used to guide and strengthen the district's continuous improvement efforts.
6.3.1. AdvancED Final Report
6.4. Superintendent
Mrs. Hardwick shared updates from the Performing Arts Gym Improvement project; acoustical panels were installed, 3 hanging mics were added above the stage, and incandescent lights were replaced with LED's. The Albion Education Foundation has agreed to fund the next phase which includes sound system improvements, wireless headsets, ceiling and stage lighting, spotlights, and additional acoustic treatments totaling $30,000. The Board of Education will discuss and consider replacing the existing metal folding chairs totaling just over $20,524 to assist with completing phase 2 of the project.
6.4.1. 1997 Bus - Scrapped and Permanently disabled
The 1997 International bus has been scrapped and permanently disabled. Rebate form have been submitted valued at $21,000.
7. Public Comment
Four members of the public commented and questioned about the extent of the boiler repairs needed at the Middle School facility in Petersburg.
8. Action Items
8.1. Rescind Middle School Boiler Replacement motion
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Superintendent Hardwick recommended that the board prepare exact specifications for the boiler unit and advertise for formal bids due to the inconsistency of three quotes received in March. In addition, it was recommended that the board discuss and consider the financial risk associated with replacing the steam boiler unit. Air quality, asbestos, and age of the building were also noted. A comprehensive study of the middle school facility was recommended to assist with the future decision making.
8.2. Policy Revision - 6400 Title I Parent and Family Engagement, 6400-1 Title Compact
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8.3. Amplify Science Curriculum Purchase K-8th
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8.4. Carpet Purchase for Replacement in High School Classrooms
8.5. MityLite Folding Chair Purchase
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8.6. Computer Hardware Chromebook and iPad Order
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8.7. Summer Stipends
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Summer stipends for certified teachers teaching summer school determined by taking the MA, Step 1 column of the Negotiated Agreement Salary Schedule divided by 185, divided by 8. Summer school teachers will be paid $28.22 for teaching during the summer of 2018. Summer school teachers will receive one hour of plan time for every six hours of teaching. Summer stipends for certified teachers working on curriculum or attending professional development determined by taking the BA, Step 1 column of the Negotiated Agreement Salary Schedule divided by 185, divided by 8. Summer stipends for curriculum writing and professional development will be set at $23.51 for the summer of 2018.
8.8. ESU 7 Behavior Resolution
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8.9. 2019 Early Graduation Request - Sarah Ohnemus
8.10. Logo Design and Development
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8.11. Track Wrestling Clocks
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Newman Grove Public School and the Boone Central Wrestling Boosters will each contribute $2,225 towards the purchase. BCS will purchase 3rd clock and portable case totaling $3,160.
8.12. Fire Door Hardware Replacement
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9. Closed Session
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10. Petersburg Facility - Study to define, assess, compare, and analyze current costs, future fiscal effect, and cost per student calculations
The Board returned to agenda item 5.2 for further discussion. Following the discussion Superintendent Hardwick was directed to gather information for the board of education to consider related to alternative heating options for the middle school as well as other financial costs associated with continued operation of the Petersburg facility. Data and cost analysis will be used by the board to discuss the long-term future of the Petersburg facility.
11. Next Meeting Date
Next Regular Board of Education Meeting - Monday, June 11, 2018 @ 7:30 p.m. @ Boone Central Middle School in Petersburg
12. Questions by the Media
13. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m.