January 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Minutes |
I. Call to Order - Chair Lewis
II. Conduct Pledge of Allegiance - Chair Lewis
III. Visitors opportunity to be heard - Chair Lewis
IV. Additions to the agenda - Chair Lewis
V. Good News Report - Directors
VI. Consent Items - Chair Lewis
VI.A. Minutes - December 3, 2019, Regular School Board Meeting
VI.B. Personnel Considerations
VI.C. Review and approve the following policies, final reading:
412-Expense Reimbursement; 417-Chemical Use and Abuse; 532 (old policy 6.39)-Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students; 709 (old Policy 6.93)- Student Transportation Safety Policy; and new Policy 535-Service Animals in Schools. |
VII. Donations
VIII. Business Manager’s Report - Nicolle Roush
VIII.A. Review and Approve Payment of Bills
VIII.B. Review and Approve Wire Transfers
VIII.C. Review and Approve Investment Report
IX. Reports
IX.A. Review and Approve Temporary Work Agreement - Mark Zuzek
IX.B. Review Accounts Receivable Aging Report - Nicolle Roush
IX.C. Update on AESA Conference
X. New Business
X.A. Update on 917 Organizational Changes - Mark Zuzek
X.B. Review Superintendent Evaluation - Chair Lewis
XI. Adjournment