October 2, 2018 at 5:00 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Minutes |
I. Call to Order - Chair Lewis
II. Conduct Pledge of Allegiance - Chair Lewis
III. Visitors opportunity to be heard - Chair Lewis
IV. Additions to the agenda - Chair Lewis
V. Good News Report - Directors
VI. Consent Items - Chair Lewis
VI.A. School Board Minutes, September 4, 2018
VI.B. Personnel Considerations
VII. Donations - Chair Lewis
VIII. Business Manager’s Report - Nicolle Roush
VIII.A. Review and Approve Payment of Bills
VIII.B. Review and Approve Wire Transfers
VIII.C. Review and Approve Investment Report
IX. Reports
IX.A. Assurance of Compliance - Mark Zuzek
X. Old Business
X.A. Review Accounts Receivable Aged Invoice Report - Nicolle Roush
(will be added on Tuesday) |
X.B. Approve 2018-2019 Operational Focus Initiatives - Mark Zuzek
XI. Policies
XI.A. Review Annual Policies: - Final reading
514 - Bullying 413 - Harassment and Violence 414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect, etc. 415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults 522 - Student Sex Nondiscrimination |
XI.B. Review revised policies 524 - Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy and 506 Student Disicpline, first reading
XII. New Business
XII.A. Approval of Medical and Dental Insurance Renewals for 2018-2019 - Nicolle Roush
XII.B. Review Enrollment Counts for Special Education as of October 1, 2018 - Melissa Schaller
(Materials will be handed out at the meeting.) |
XII.C. Review Enrollment Counts for DCALS/DCALS North as of October 1, 2018 - Eric Van Brocklin
(Materials will be handed out at the meeting.) |
XII.D. Review and Approve Temporary Work Agreement Report - Mark Zuzek
XIII. Adjournment
XIV. Call to Order - Chair Lewis
XV. Conduct Pledge of Allegiance - Chair Lewis
XVI. Visitors opportunity to be heard - Chair Lewis
XVII. Additions to the agenda - Chair Lewis
XVIII. Good News Reports
XIX. Consent Items - Chair Lewis
XIX.A. Minutes, October 3, 2017, Regular School Board Meeting
XIX.B. Personnel Considerations
XX. Donations - Chair Lewis
XX.A. Resolution Approving Donations
XXI. Business Manager’s Report - Nicolle Roush
XXI.A. Review and Approve Payment of Bills
XXI.B. Review and Approve Wire Transfers
XXII. Reports
XXII.A. Anthony Louis Program Review - Jennifer Hetland
XXII.B. Revenue and Expenditure Report - Nicolle Roush
XXIII. Old Business
XXIV. New Business
XXV. Adjournment