August 19, 2014 at 5:15 PM - REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING
Minutes |
I. Call to Order - Chair Lewis
II. Conduct Pledge of Allegiance - Chair Lewis
III. Visitors opportunity to be heard - Chair Lewis
IV. Additions to the agenda - Chair Lewis
V. Good News Report - Directors
VI. Consent Items - Chair Lewis
VI.A. Minutes, July 9, 2013, Organizational School Board Meeting
VI.B. Minutes, July 9, 2013, Regular School Board Meeting
VI.C. Personnel Considerations
VII. Donations - Chair Lewis
VII.A. Resolution Approving Donations
VIII. Business Manager’s Report - Nicolle Roush
VIII.A. Review and Approve Payment of Bills
VIII.B. Review and Approve Wire Transfers
VIII.C. Review and Approve Investment Report
IX. Policies
IX.A. Review Revised Policy 411, Bullying Prohibition, final reading - John Christiansen
X. Reports
X.A. Annual Wellness Policy Updates - Nicolle Roush
X.B. Health Insurance Update - John Christiansen
XI. New Business
XI.A. Approve Clerical Contract for 2014-2016 - John Christiansen
XI.B. Review Draft Goals for 2014-2015 - John Christiansen
XI.C. Review School Board Agenda Items for 2014-2015 - John Christiansen
XI.D. Review School Board Committees for 2014-2015 - Chair Lewis
XII. Consider Future Agenda Items
XIII. Adjournment