November 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, November 20, 2019
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Comment
4. District Recognitions
4.A. Remarkable Referrals
4.B. TCEF Board Leadership
5. Donations
5.A. Donations to the TCEF Fall Guest Dinner
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Minutes for October
6.B. Innovative Courses offered at Middle School and High School
6.C. Financial Reports
6.D. Consider Approval of Update 114 TASB Policy Revisions
6.E. Consider Approval of Revised Business Office Administrative Procedures Manual
7. Public Hearing
Blake Schneider
Presentation of 2019 Schools FIRST rating report
8. TASB RISK MANAGEMENT FUND 2020 Property. Liability, and Auto renewal.
9. Discussion for the Strategic Facility Plan; Overview by Sledge Engineering/ESC Region 13 Services
9.A. Short-Range Plan (0-5 years)
9.B. Long Range Plan (5-20+ years)
10. Administrative Reports
10.A. Elementary Principal
10.B. Middle School Principal
10.C. High School Principal
10.D. Transportation Director
10.E. Athletic Director's Report
10.F. Superintendent's Report:
10.F.1. Faculty Certifications/Interagency Report
10.F.2. TCEF/Fall Harvest Festival Updates
10.F.3. Superintendent Evaluation Document (Handout)
10.F.4. Process for Updating District 2-Year Calendar
10.F.5. Drug Testing Round 2
10.G. Board President
10.G.1. CTSBA Meetings
10.G.2. Leadership TASB Updates
11. Adjourn