May 23, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order May 23, 2018
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Recognitions- (State UIL, Tennis, and Track are almost all Seniors and they will be out for their Senior Trip on this date; they will be recognized at the early June Meeting)
3.A. Student Recognition
3.B. Board Member Years of Service
4. Issue Statement of Officer and Oath of Office
5. Closed Session Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act Section 551.074: Personnel Matters; including any possible resignations or recommendations for staff & Re-organization of Officers
6. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session; including any possible resignations or recommendations for staff
7. Re-organization of the Board of Trustees
8. Public Comments
9. Consider Approval of the Consent Agenda.
9.A. Action to Approve the Allotment and TEKS Certification, 2018-19
9.B. Discussion and Consider Approval for the following MOU's:
9.B.1. TSTC-Texas State Technical College & TSTC Co-op (approved in prior meeting)
9.B.2. JJAEP-Williamson County
9.B.3. Temple College MOU
9.B.4. East Williamson County Cooperative MOU
9.B.5. OnRamps College Program through UT
9.C. Minutes from the April 18 Regular Meeting & May 9 Special Meeting
9.D. Financial Reports
9.E. Discussion and Possible Approval of 2018-19 Sodexo Consulting Agreement Amendment
10. Discussion and Possible Approval of Inter local Agreement with Lago Vista ISD to contract Custodial Services for District with Aramark for 4-years
11. Discussion on Multi-Year District Planning Document (Goal 4) and District Strategic Planning Committee
12. Superintendent, Principal and Director Reports
12.A. Elementary Principal
12.B. Middle School Principal
12.C. High School Principal
12.D. Business Manager on 2018-2019 Budget/Updates
12.E. Superintendent on Facility Donations; TCEF Updates; Ideal Impact Update; Stipend Adjustments (Title IX Compliance); Facility Use Agreement Updates
13. Discussion and Possible Action to Amend the DOI (District of Innovation) for the 2018-2019 School Year and Beyond
14. Discussion on After School Program (2018-2019) for Elementary Students (Pre-K through 6th Grade)
15. Adjourn