November 8, 2017 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
2. Public Comment
3. Student Recognitions
3.A. None for this month
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Regular Meeting Minutes October 18, 2017
4.B. Renewal of Participation in the TASB Auto, Liability, & Property Program-will be presented at future meeting
4.C. Financial Reports-will be presented at next Board Meeting
4.D. Approval for TASB-initiated localized updates for Policy Update 109, affecting local policies (see attached list)
5. Administrative Reports
5.A. Elementary Principal's Report
5.B. Middle School Principal's Report
5.C. High School Principal's Report
5.D. Technology Director's Report
5.E. Superintendent's Report:
5.E.1. TCEF/Fall Harvest Festival
5.E.2. TSTC Update for 2018-2019
5.E.3. Master Facility Plan
5.E.4. Endowment Campaign- Presentation
6. Presentation on Endowment Campaigns and Process through Thrall Community Education Foundation (TCEF) Working in Conjunction with Foundation Innovation (FI) to Build Various Levels.
7. Discuss and Consider Change Order #3 for Thrall ISD High School and Elementary School Addition
8. Discuss and Consider Interlocal Agreement with City of Thrall regarding paving improvement on Bounds Street
9. Discuss and Consider Amendments to the 2015 Bond Program Budget
10. Closed Session as Permitted by Government Code 551.074: Personnel Matters including Possible Action to Consider Adding a Secondary Language Arts Teacher
11. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session; including Personnel Matters including Possible Action to Consider Adding a Secondary Language Arts Teacher
12. Adjourn