June 7, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Special/Board Workshop
Minutes |
1. Call to Order- Special Workshop for Budget
2. Consent Agenda
2.A. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Sales Tax Free Day - May 30, 2017
2.B. Action Needed to Ratify the DOI (Local Innovation Plan) as Notification of Intent Sent to Commissioner at TEA
3. Budget Workshop & Budget Update
4. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve 2017-2018 Stipend Schedule
5. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Maintenance & Facility Projects in Conjunction with Bond 2015 Using Maintenance Tax Note
6. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve HS computer lab/classroom computer equipment (Mrs. Strnad's lab), paid for by Bond Funds (Technology).
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the District-Wide Telephone System, paid for with Bond funds (Technology)
8. Closed Session: Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act section 551.074: Personnel Matters including Resignations, Recommendation of New Employees, and Creating Position for Director of Programs (incorporating PEIMS), and Elementary/Middle School Principal Reorganization/Reassignment for 2017-2018
9. Discussion and Possible Action regarding: Personnel Matters including New Staff Contracts, Resignations, and Reorganization of Staff
10. Adjourn