May 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Recognitions-
3.A. State Track
3.B. State UIL Academics & Golf
3.C. State Tennis
3.D. Board Member Years of Service
3.E. Presentation of Awards to Thrall ISD from TASB
4. Order (Adopt) Canvassing Returns and Declaring Results of Trustee Election
5. Issue Statement of Officer and Oath of Office
6. Closed Session Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act Section 551.074: Personnel Matters; including any possible resignations or recommendations for staff & Re-organization of Officers
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session; including any possible resignations or recommendations for staff
8. Re-organization of the Board of Trustees
9. Public Comments
10. Consider Approval of the Consent Agenda.
10.A. Minutes from the April 20 Regular Meeting & April 27 Board Workshop
10.A.1. Performance Goals set by Team of 8
10.B. Financial Reports
10.C. Donations- if any
10.D. Approval of Thrall ISD Wellness Policy Adoption for 2016--2017 (updated March 2016); SHAC & Nutrition Team Annual Report/Recommendations
10.E. Approval of the TCEF Recommendations for Student Scholarship Policy and Transfer of Funds for 2016-2017 year and beyond
11. Bond 2015 Construction Updates and Related Items to the High School & Elementary Projects Including Construction Contracts
12. Discussion for Prioritizing Items List Needing Approval Relating to Bond 2015 Projects
13. Superintendent, Principal and Director Reports
13.A. Report from the Elementary Principal
13.B. Report from Middle School Principal
13.C. Report from the High School Principal
13.D. Report from Superintendent on HB 5 Parent & Community Engagement Survey; TCEF Updates; Superintendent Performance Goals
13.D.1. Priority 16- Multi-Year District Strategic Plan; including discussion for Transfer Student Policy for 2016 & Beyond
13.D.2. Priority 13 & 16: Report on District Roofing Plan (Presentation will be shared)
13.D.3. Priority 14: Discussion for TRE Information/Dates for future Board Meetings
14. Renewal of Student & Athletic Accident and Catastrophic Medical Insurance Policies for 2016-17
Shaun Karch
15. Discussion and Possible Approval of 2016-17 Sodexo Consulting Agreement Amendment.
Shaun Karch
16. Discussion & Possible Action to Approve the TASB Fixed Rate Fuel Program (gasoline)
17. Discussion and Consider Approval for the following MOU's:
17.A. TSTC-Texas State Technical College
17.B. JJAEP-Williamson County
18. Approve Summer Office Hours for May 31, 2016 through August 4, 2016
19. Discussion of TRE Documents; Including Process & Timeline
20. Propose Tax Rate and Set Date/Time/Place for Notice of Public Meeting to Discuss Proposed Tax Rate.
Shaun Karch
21. Adjourn