November 18, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
2. Public Comment
3. Special Recognition
3.A. State Cross Country Recognized
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Minutes of September 16, 2015 Regular Meeting; October 21, 2015 Special Meeting; October 21, 2015 Regular Meeting; November 9 Special Meeting
4.B. Discussion and Possible Action to Accept Update 103 as recommended by TASB
4.C. Renewal of Participation in the TASB Auto, Liability, & Property Program
4.D. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Chromebook purchase for MS and HS personnel, not to exceed $15,000.
MS and HS personnel will be provided a Chromebook so that the integration of Chromebooks for MS and HS students will be more easily and successfully completed. These Chromebooks will be purchased using a portion of the ERATE reimbursement funds recently received by the District.
4.E. Financial Reports
5. Administrative Reports
5.A. Elementary Principal's Report
5.B. Middle School Principal's Report
5.C. High School Principal's Report
5.D. Technology Director's Report
5.E. Athletic Director's Report
5.F. Superintendent's Report on Goal #1, TCEF/Fall Harvest Festival, and City of Thrall Water Rates
6. Closed Session as Permitted by Government Code 551.074: Personnel Matters
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session; including Personnel Matters
8. Adjourn