September 16, 2015 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, September 16, 2015
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Comment
4. Acknowledge Texas Education Human Resources Day on October 14th throughout Thrall ISD
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of August 12, 2015 Regular Meeting
5.B. Financial Reports
6. Discuss and Approve 2014-15 Budget Amendment Ratification retroactive to June 30, 2015
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Elementary Principal's Report
7.B. Middle School Principal's Report
7.C. High School Principal's Report
7.D. Athletic Director's Report
7.E. Technology Director's Report
7.F. Superintendent Report on Current enrollment, School Marshall program, & update on TCEF
8. Discuss and approve the Band Trip for Spring Break 2016 & Peer Education Trip for FCCLA in Dallas
9. Report on Bond 2015 Construction Project
10. Consideration of and possible action to adopt the prevailing wage schedule (hourly rates only) to be used as the Prevailing Wage Schedule for all construction projects.
11. Consideration of and possible action to select the delivery method providing the best value for the Thrall ISD 2015 Bond Program Construction Project, and authorize the Superintendent or designee to prepare a Request for Proposals, receive and publicly open and read aloud the names of the offerors, fees and prices.
12. Consideration of and possible action to select the criteria that will be used to evaluate the offerors, and the applicable weighted value for each criterion for the Thrall ISD 2015 Bond Program Construction Project.
13. Report on 2015-2016 District Audit Report (unofficially)
14. Discussion and possible Action to Amend the 2015-2016 School Calendar for adjustments made by HB 2610 and local impact by school districts in the same cooperatives.
15. Closed Session Pursuant to Sec. 551.074: Personnel Matters
16. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
17. Adjourn