May 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Recognitions-
3.A. Teacher Special Recognitions
3.B. State UIL Academics & Golf
3.C. State FCCLA & State Robotics
3.D. Board Member Years of Service
4. Order (Adopt) Canvassing Returns and Declaring Results of Election (Bond 2015 Results for Building Bonds)
5. Issue Statement of Officer and Oath of Office
6. Closed Session Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act Section 551.074: Personnel Matters & Re-organization of Officers
7. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
8. Re-organization of the Board of Trustees
9. Public Comments
10. Superintendent, Principal and Director Reports
10.A. Report from the Elementary Principal
10.B. Report from Middle School Principal & Consider Approval for IMA and TEKS Certification for 2015-2016; new textbook adoption choices for 9-12 math, & K-12 social studies (information sharing for a summer adoption proposal in June)
10.C. Report from the High School Principal
10.D. Report from Technology Director
10.E. Report from Superintendent on Update from Bond 2015 & HB 5 Parent & Community Engagement Survey
11. Consider Approval of the Consent Agenda.
11.A. Minutes from the April 16 Regular Meeting
11.B. Financial Reports
11.C. Donations
12. Amendment to Sodexo Consulting Contract for 2015-2016
13. Renewal of Student & Athletic Accident and Catastrophic Medical Insurance Policies for 2015-16
14. Report on 2015 TASB Loss Prevention Grant Award, $5000 for 2015
15. Approve District Calendar for 2015-2016
16. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Master Facility Projects including relocating the Quad Building to the Elementary campus; Prioritize list of summer construction needs
17. Discussion and Consider Approval for the following MOU's:
18. Approve Summer Office Hours for June 5, 2015 through August 7, 2015
19. Adjourn