April 23, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Student Recognitions
3.A. Tiger Pride Student of the Month
3.B. State Band-TMEA
3.C. Regional Boys' Powerlifting
3.D. State Girl's Powerlifting
3.E. TABC All-Region Team and Academic All-State
4. Public Comments.
5. Superintendent, Principal and Directors Reports
5.A. Elementary Principal's Report on Intervention, Transfers, PreK and Kinder Round Up, STAAR Testing and Activities
5.B. Middle School Principal's Report on Enrollment, Math Intervention, STAAR Testing and Campus Activities
5.C. High School Principal's Report on Enrollment, HS UIL Results, Campus Events and Activities
5.D. Technology Director's Report on Current and Future Technology Projects and Staff Tech Training Opportunities
5.E. Athletic Director's Report on Athletic Activities and Student-Athlete District, Area, and Regional Competitions
5.F. Superintendent's Report on Update from Board Workshop/Training (Solidifying the Board's Vision on CTE, Technology, and Facilities), TCEF (Foundation) Updates, & Goal 4 Update
5.F.1. Update on Staff development Ideas for 2014/2015 District-Wide
6. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Bidding Process (conception) for Construction Plan Option 2 for Secondary Campus previously approved through Fromberg & Assoc.
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Elementary and Cafeteria/Band Hall Wall Repair and Sealant through Garland Company as Agent
8. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda.
8.A. Minutes of March 19, 2014 Regular Meeting, April 2, 2014 Board Workshop and April 10, 2014 Special Meeting
8.B. Financial Reports
9. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Quarterly Investment Report.
10. Discussion and Approval of Policy Update 99, affecting (Local) Policies included under the attached list of codes.
11. Discussion and Possible Action to approve Master Facility Planning Projects relating to re-locating portables, removing current fence (re-locating) to perimeter and adding driveway to North entrance of property
12. Discussion and Possible Action to Participate in the TASB Spring 2014 Transportation Fuel Program
13. Discussion and Possible Approval of Overnight Trips as Needed for All Spring Academic/Athletic Events
14. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the MOU Between Thrall Community Education Foundation (TCEF) and Thrall Independent School District (TISD)
15. Cancel May 10, 2014 Board of Trustees Election
16. Closed Session: Under the Authority of Texas Government Code Section 551.074: Personnel Matters, including Employment and Resignations of Contract Employees
17. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
18. Adjourn.