May 29, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Special
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Comment
4. Student Recognitions
4.A. Regional Golf
4.B. Regional Tennis
4.C. Regional Track
5. TASB Media Honor Roll, Sponsor Recognition, and District BB Honors
6. Issue Statement of Officer and Oath of Office
7. Re-Organization of the Board of Trustees
8. Discussion and Possible Action on Track Construction and Maintenance Items for athletic complex area
9. Discussion and possible action for approving the MOU for JJAEP through Williamson County District Cooperative
10. Discussion and Possible Action for contract/payment authorization for Education Innovation as Thrall Education Foundation consultant
11. Budget Workshop
12. Closed Session: Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act Section 551.074: Personnel Matters
13. Discussion and Possible Action regarding: Personnel Matters including
14. Adjourn