January 16, 2013 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Board Appreciation Meal from the FCS Classes/Students
Meal by B. Almquist
2. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, January 16, 2013
3. Board Recognitions
3.A. School Board Recognition
3.A.1. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
3.B. Regional Band Qualifiers
3.C. Jr. High OAP Medalists
4. Public Comment.
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Board Minutes of December 12, 2012 Regular Meeting
5.B. Check Payments
5.C. Financial Reports
5.D. Donations
6. Administrative Reports:
6.A. Elementary Principal's Report on Current Enrollment, Staff Development, Benchmark Report, and Mandatory Tutorials
6.B. Secondary Principal's Report on Staff Development Update, Campus Activities, STAAR Testing, and College Readiness
6.C. Technology Director's Report on updated Technology Plan and Safety support through use of Raptor System
6.D. Athletic Director's Report on Athletic Activities and Upcoming Events
6.E. Assistant Superintendent's Report on the Cafeteria
6.F. Superintendent's Report on Enrollment, Safety Plan, Staffing Plan (including Job Fairs), and Facility Update
7. Quarterly Investment Report.
8. Policy Update for Employee Mileage and Vehicle Use Under Policy DEE (Local) and Subsection "Mileage Allowance"
9. Report on Progress and Plan for Accomplishing Goal 1; Priorities 3 and 4. Plan for Student Success in addressing state testing mastery/graduation requirements, as it relates to Math and Science
10. Public Meeting to Present the School Report Card
11. Closed Session: As permitted by Government code 551.074: Personnel Matters
12. Discussion and Possible Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
13. Adjourn.