June 3, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Special
Minutes |
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
3. Public Comments.
4. Approval of Minutes for Regular Meeting on 5/20/2009.
5. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Williamson County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) for 2009-2010.
6. Discussion and Possible Action to Authorize the Superintendent to Exceed the Maximum Amount for Purchases on the Acquisition of Portable Buildings for the High School Campus.
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the School Specialty Bid for the Purchase and Installation of Science Furniture and Whiteboards for the High School.
8. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Use of Thrall ISD Transportation for the Stiles Farm Field Day Activities on June 16, 2009.
9. 2009-2010 School Budget Workshop.
10. Closed Session: Under the Authority of Texas Open
Meetings Act Section 551.072: Deliberations Regarding Real Property, and Section 551.074: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
11. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
12. Adjourn.