May 20, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
Darrell Hall
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
Darrell Hall
3. Public Comments
Darrell Hall
4. Board Recognition: Students, Staff and/or Programs.
Bruce Davis
5. Approval of Minutes for Special Meetings on April 22, 2009 and May 12, 2009.
Darrell Hall
6. Superintendent, Principal and Directors Reports
6.A. Report from the Elementary Principal on End of Year Campus Activities and Student Counts.
6.B. Report from the Secondary Principal on End of School Activities and Graduation Plans.
6.C. Report from the Athletic Director on the Summer Schedule.
6.D. Report from the Technology Director on Technology Improvement Summer Plans for the Campuses.
6.E. Report from the Superintendent on the Summer Schedule for Campus Improvements and Possible Land Purchase.
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Set Summer Office Hours.
8. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the TAKS Remediation Plan in Accordance with Education Code 29.0821 for Elementary and Secondary Students.
Bruce Davis
9. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Sex Education Curriculum for 2009-2010.
Bruce Davis
10. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Allied Associates Commercial Floors, Inc. for the Elementary Carpet Removal and Tile Replacement.
Bruce Davis
11. Discussion and Possible Action to Award Contracts for Construction at the High School.
Bruce Davis
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of Financial Reports and Budget Amendment.
Lorine Fox
13. Discussion on Preliminary 2009-2010 School Budget.
Lorine Fox
14. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Auxiliary Salary Schedules.
Lorine Fox
15. Discussion and Possible Action on Awarding the Contract for the Depository for a Two Year Period, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.
Lorine Fox
16. Closed Session Personnel Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act section 551.074: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
Darrell Hall
17. Discussion and Possible Action regarding: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
Darrell Hall
18. Adjourn
Darrell Hall