August 9, 2006 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
3. Public Input
4. Approve Board Minutes of July 17, 2006 Special Meeting, July 18, 2006 Regular Meeting, July 8, 2006 Training Meeting.
Renea Seggern
5. Principal and Directors Reports.
6. Discussion and Possible Action to Adopt a Resolution to request Road Repairs in Thrall ISD to the Williamson County Commissioners.
Brian Drummond
7. Discussion and Possible Action to update Local Policies
DEE (Local), and FMG (Local).
Keith Brown
8. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the 2006-2007 Student Athletic Handbook and Coaches Handbook.
Keith Brown, Mark Sebek
9. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning District 457 Retirement Plan.
Lorine Fox
10. Discussion and Possible Action on Bus Driver Pay Scale.
Lorine Fox
11. Discussion and Possible approval of 2006-2007 Thrall ISD Employee Handbook.
12. Approve Region 13 ESC RSCCC committment for 2006-2007.
Lorine Fox
13. Approve Financial Reports, Budget Amendments and Donations.
Lorine Fox
14. Discussion, Review and Update 2006- 2007 Proposed School Budget.
Keith Brown, Lorine Fox
15. Discussion and Possible Action: Employment of Teaching Personnel,Personnel Resignations, Employment of Contract Personnel.
16. Adjourn