July 26, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order - Roll Call
2. Public Forum - Comment
2.A. Opportunity for public input regarding submission of the ESSA grant application and compliance report.
2.B. Public Hearing on intention of Munday Consolidated Independent School
District to consider designating the ZSS Power Reinvestment Zone |
3. Consent Items
3.A. Minutes
3.B. Financial and Investment Review and Report
3.C. Professional Development Plan
3.D. Investment Policy
4. Administrative Reports
4.A. Elementary
Mrs. Bufkin
4.A.1. Campus Events
4.A.2. HRS Update
4.B. Secondary
Mr. Singleton
4.B.1. Campus Events
4.B.2. HRS Update
4.C. Band Director
Dr. Pettitt
4.C.1. Upcoming events
4.D. Ag Science Report
Mr. Evans
4.E. Athletics
Coach Murphy
4.F. Superintendent
Mr. Parton
4.F.1. Construction / Improvements
4.F.2. Planning information
4.F.3. Upcoming training
4.F.4. Correspondence
5. Presentation and consultation with District’s special legal counsel
concerning application for an Appraised Value Limitation on Qualified Property submitted by ZSS Power, LLC
Fred Stormer
6. Discussion and possible action on a Resolution designating the ZSS Power
Reinvestment Zone, establishing the boundaries thereof and providing for an effectivedate, pursuant to Chapters 312 and 313 of the Texas Tax Code.
Fred Stormer
7. Discussion Item - Adding Baseball and Softball to athletic program
8. Property, Workmen 's Comp and Liability Insurance
8.A. Required updated interlocal agreement
9. Signature Card updates for bank.
10. Student Code of Conduct
11. Review Student Handbook and Employee Handbook
12. Personnel Matters Including the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, dismissal and/or compensation of individual district employees,
12.A. Superintendent Goals
12.B. Covid days for 2022-23
13. Safety and Security
14. Adjourn