March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Open Meetings Act
This meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. The Board of Education makes available at least one current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the meeting at a location accessible to members of the public.
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Excuse Absences of Board Members
6. Public Notice
Per board policy 2008-Meetings, advance notice of all board meetings, other than emergency meetings, shall be publicized 48 hours or more in advance of the meeting in a newspaper of general circulation in the district. Meeting notices may also be posted on the school district website and posted in three prominent places in the school district.
7. Approval of the Agenda
8. Public Comments
Instructions for those who wish to speak during Public Comment:
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of citizen participation in school district matters. In order to assure citizens are heard and board meetings are conducted effectively and in an organized manner, a Public Comment period will be scheduled at some meetings. A Public Comment sign-in sheet is located on the table near the entrance and your name and topic must be entered on the sheet prior to the start of the meeting. If you are planning to speak about a personnel or a student matter involving an individual, please understand that the district has complaint procedures to address such complaints and concerns. The Board requests that you follow the policy and procedures before commenting on these matters to the Board. Board members will not respond to any questions you ask or comments about individual staff members or students, but may direct your concerns to the appropriate administrator for further review. Each speaker shall be allowed a maximum of five minutes, and not more than twenty minutes will be allowed for a specific topic. Policy 2009-Procedure for Addressing the Board is made available in the meeting room. Comments:
9. Administrative Reports
Written reports have been submitted from the elementary principal, high school principal, activities director, student services director, and superintendent. Each administrator will make comments on their respective report:
10. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda is used to help the efficiency of the meeting by allowing the Board to approve items such as prior meeting minutes, general business of noncontroversial nature, or routine communication. The Consent Agenda for this meeting includes:
11. Committee Reports
Reports from the following committee(s):
12. Business Items
12.1. Certified Staff Resignations
The board will consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve the resignation(s) of the following certified staff effective upon the conclusion of the 2024-25 school year:
12.2. Certified Staff Contracts
The board will consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve contracts for the following new certified staff members for the 2025-26 school year:
12.3. Closing of Accounts
Per internal discussions leading up to and after the 2023-24 financial audit, the administration is requesting permission to close the following accounts:
12.4. Purchase of Mower
The administration is requesting to purchase a new mower from the Depreciation Fund due to frequent and costly repairs to the current unit. The board will consider, discuss, and take all necessary action to approve the purchase of a new mower.
12.5. Review and/or Revise Policies
The following policies are subject to approval and/or revision as part of the monthly policy review process. The policies presented have been reviewed by the Superintendent and are current by state statute, legal specifications, or NDE requirements; or have been revised or new policies presented to be in alignment with state statute, legal recommendation, or state and federal requirements. The board will consider, discuss, and take necessary action to affirm existing policies or approve revised or new policies as presented.
13. Discussion and Informational Items
Items for discussion, information, or consideration - no action to be taken:
14. Next Board Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for xxxix at 6:00pm in the high school media center.
15. Closed Session
The Board of Education is authorized by state statute to hold closed sessions. Closed sessions may be held when clearly necessary for the protection of the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual. The Board will enter into Closed Session for the protection of the public interest to discuss collective bargaining negotiations between the Board of Education and the Yutan Education Association. |
16. Action From Closed Session
The board will take the necessary action on the following items from Closed Session:
17. Adjournment