Agenda |
I. Open Meetings Law
II. Call regular meeting to order
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Recognition of Guests and Visitors
V. Patrons who wish to address the board - 30 minutes (3 minutes per person)
VI. Consent Agenda
VI.1. Approval of Agenda
VI.2. Approval of Minutes; for the Regular Board meeting minutes held on February 10, 2025, Special Meeting minutes held Februay 28, 2025 and Special Meeting minutes held on March 4, 2025. .
VI.3. Option Enrollment In-2 (25-26) Out-1 (2025-2026) Canceled- 1 (2024-2025)
VII. Financial Report
VII.1. Budget Report: See Report -
VII.2. Fund Claims: Discussion
VIII. Administrative Reports
VIII.1. Mrs. Knust Pk - 6 Principal Report
VIII.2. Mr. Schmit 7-12 Principal Report
VIII.3. Dr. Offner: Superintendent Report
IX. Discussion items
IX.1. Discussion on Summer School and Jump start for the 2025 Summer
IX.2. Discussion on Preschool classrooms
IX.3. Discussion on lights for football field
IX.4. Discussion on graduation requirements
IX.5. Discussion on 504.11 weapons and use by authorized security personnel
IX.6. Discussion on door access controls and additional cost
IX.7. Discussion on the HVAC system in the elementary and other change orders and cost-associated
IX.8. Discussion and update on the superintendent search
IX.9. Discussion on ESU 1 contract for 2025 - 2026
IX.10. Discussion on Kara Thompson for the 7 - 12 Social Science position.
IX.11. Discussion on the 25 - 26 Calendar
IX.12. Discussion on Heartland Counseling services for the 25 - 26 school year
IX.13. Discussion on Principal contracts and pay increases
IX.14. Discussion on early graduation
IX.15. Discussion on opening the weight to the public in the near future
X. Action Items
X.1. Take action on the approval of the Budget, Financial Report, and Claims
X.2. Take action to approve the ESU1 2025 - 2026 contract as presented
X.3. Take action to approve the 2025 - 2026 School Calendar.
X.4. Take action to approve Imagine learning proposal for expanding class offerings for at total of $19,230 for a two year contract.
X.5. Take action to approve ECC for additional scope for safety and security for $19,963.93
X.6. Take action to approve $63,584 to address all changes discussed above
X.7. Take action to approve Kara Thompson as the 7 - 12 Social Science Instructor for the 2025 - 2026 school year.
X.8. Take action to approve the new MOU/ 25 - 26 Heartland Contract as presented
X.9. Take action to approve and offer a contract to Mr. Schmit for the 2025 - 2026 year as the 7 - 12 Principal
X.10. Take action to approve and offer a contract to Mrs. Knust for the 2025 - 2026 year as the Pk - 6 Principal
X.11. Executive Session (if needed) Discuss Personnel/Litigation/Protection of Public Interest -
X.12. Agenda Setting and Future Meetings/Adjournment