January 16, 2019 at 8:30 AM - TASB Test Meeting
Agenda |
A. Open the Meeting
A.A. Call to Order
A.B. Roll Call
A.C. Pledge of Allegiance
A.D. Opening Remarks
B. Approve This Meeting's Agenda
[Motion Preview]:
Approve Meeting's Agenda. This motion, made by , .
C. Approve Last Meeting's Minutes
[Motion Preview]:
Approve Last Meeting's Minutes. This motion, made by , .
D. Consent Agenda
[Motion Preview]:
Approve all of these Consent Items as presented. This motion, made by , .
D.A. Consent Item 1
D.B. Consent Item 2
D.C. Consent Item 3
D.D. Consent Agenda - For Bills
D.D.A. Consent Item - Bill #1
D.D.B. Consent Item - Bill #2
D.D.C. Consent Item - Bill #3
E. General Public Comments
Members of the Public
F. Reports
F.A. Superintendent's Report
F.B. Board Report
F.C. Committee Reports
G. Action Items
G.A. Vote Jesse the Best Immediate Supervisor Ever!
The Nerd Herd
[Motion Preview]:
Vote Jesse the Best Immediate Supervisor Ever! This motion, made by , .
G.B. Vote for a Raise for the Nerd Herd
Immediate Supervisor
[Motion Preview]:
Approve the agreed upon raise for the Nerd Herd. This motion, made by , .
H. Discussion Items
H.A. Discuss Envise
H.B. Discuss Sage
I. Adjourn
[Motion Preview]:
End This Meeting! This motion, made by , .