Finance/Budget Report: See attached budget and finance reports.
Fall Technology Fair: Thank you to support staff for your work at P-T Conferences Tech Fairs, and APL training.
Safety Review: We are required to conduct an annual safety review. Lloyd from Nesbitt and Associates is working on our 2019-20 safety assessment. Ronnie will work with each building on addressing the issues identified in the safety report.
Wellness Day: The board of education is working with teachers on establishing a "Wellness Day". If approved next Monday, the board will allow staff members to donate a PTO day in exchange for a reduced membership to Anytime Fitness. Current monthly dues are $37 per month. With the one-day donation, the monthly fee for school employees in the program will be $10. This program is scheduled to run from November through May (7 months). While this is a savings to teachers, it is a great savings to support staff. In addition, employees will be allowed to donate an additional day for their spouse.
Strategic Plan Update: We will be finalizing our progress reports on the district strategic plan during the month of October. We are scheduled to revisit the plan as a staff/community on November 27th.
Health Screens: Make sure you sign up for the Wellness Screening on November 27th. If you need help, please check in the office or with a wellness team member.
Portal: Thank you to the maintenance/custodial staff for your work on keeping the maintenance portal up to date. This document keeps the board and administration abreast to the progress on requested maintenance items.
Salary Schedule: Your salary is based on your position and place on the salary schedule. If you have any suggestions for improving the salary schedule for your area, please let your principal know by the end of the first semester. They will present these to a board committee for consideration for the 2020-20 school year.
Health Insurance: We will be offering on open enrollment period for changing insurance programs beginning in January 2020. This dual option allows employees to elect to participate in a high deductible ($3,500) and use the premium savings to enroll in a healthcare savings account. Please let Penny know if you are considering moving to the higher deductible by December 1st.