October 22, 2013 at 9:00 AM - SAA Weekly Meeting
Agenda |
I. Review Crisis Team Response
Thank you for your work to assist our students and staff in our buildings over the past week. The district crisis team will be attending a two-day workshop in Omaha on October 28-29 prior to making any changes to our plan. I apologize for mistakes or oversights that happened last week, but we are learning. Thanks again for your assistance in working with your building level crisis team.
II. Review Staff Workshop (Phil Warrick)
III. Terra-Nova Testing
IV. December Parent-Teacher Conferences
With the change in the December Parent-Teacher Conference date, we need to discuss possible changes to the format and strategies to recruit more parents to take an active role in their child's education. Open for discussion and further input from staff.
V. Purchase Orders and Conference Registrations
We have had several requests submitted in our office following the purchase or event. Remember, if you want to attend a conference, you must be registered in our office prior to attending or prior to purchasing an item. Please make sure you follow protocol. Thanks
VI. Strategic Planning Process
With the board approval of no school for students on December 6th, we will use time for all staff to be involved in providing input to the board for the development of the district strategic plan. Following the teacher input, the board will meet to review this input and finalize our plan for 2014.
VII. Teacher Negotiations
The SEA begins their negotiations process with their first meeting on Tuesday, October 22 @ 6:00 PM in the High School Media Center. If you have any items for the board to consider, please let me know. Following this meeting the board will prepare their response to the initial requests from the SEA. If you are interested in learning more about the process, please let me know.
VIII. Administration Professional Development
I have had several conversations since our last meeting and am recommending the form be split between professional development and additional responsibilities. See draft.
IX. Behavior Management Strategies
What you look for, will increase! At this time of year, I realize staff and you get tired of battling the same students when it comes to behavior management, homework, etc... It seems easier for us to step in and try to FIX the situation. We need to reconsider our role, the role of the teacher, and effective strategies for assisting teachers in teaching and reinforcing appropriate behavior as well as correcting inappropriate behavior in our school building and classrooms.