June 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda | |
1. Roll Call
2. Announcement - Jim Boeve
As required by Nebraska law, the public is advised that copies of the Open Meetings Act are available to the public. As this is a Work Session for members of the Board of Education, residents of the District may speak only when a Board Member or the Superintendent requests that the person is allowed to do so and the Board President recognizes that person. As per Board of Education Policy 204.12, "At no time during a meeting of the Board shall comments or questions relating to the employees of the District be permitted; such comments or questions should be referred to the Superintendent at another time."
3. Welcome to HEA reps and guests - Jim Boeve
4. *Approve Middle School Reading Materials - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that the Board approve adoption of the Middle School reading materials from Scholastic in an amount not to exceed $20,000.
5. Financial Considerations of the District - Jeff Schneider
6. *Additions to the Extra Standard Salary Schedule - Jeff Schneider
It is recommended that the following positions be added to the Extra-Standard salary schedule:
Senior High Assistant Cross Country - Category 1 Senior High Skills USA Sponsor - Category 1 Senior High Skills USA Assistant Sponsor - Category A Hastings Middle School Garden Sponsor - Category 1 Senior High Dance Team (replaces SH pep council) Senior High Cheer Squad (replaces SH pep council) Senior High marching band facilitator (replaces SH flags) |
7. *Approve Substitute Rates for 2015-2016 - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that substitute rates be increased to $112.00 per day for the 2015-2016 school year.
8. *Add 1.0 FTE Senior High Activity/Attendance Facilitator - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that the Board approve the addition of a 1.0 FTE Senior High Activity/Attendance Facilitator due to student needs.
9. *Add 1.0 FTE Secondary Special Education - Craig Kautz
10. *Acceptance of the Six-Pence Grant for $100,000 - Craig Kautz
11. *Add .50 FTE Senior High French teacher - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that the Board approve the addition of a .50 FTE Senior High French teacher due to student enrollment numbers.
12. Discussion of swimming cooperative program - Craig Kautz
It is recommended that the Board approve the creation of a swimming cooperative program.
13. Update on Senior High course offerings - Craig Kautz
14. *Consent agenda - Craig Kautz
15. Reports, etc., at Board Meeting - Jim Boeve
a. Good News
16. Upcoming meetings - Jim Boeve
Board Meeting - Monday, June 15, 2015 - 7:00 p.m. - City Council Chambers
17. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.