January 23, 2025 at 7:15 PM - Following the Joint Meeting - GREENEVILLE CITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. Recognition of Visitors
III. Special Recognition
Steve Starnes, Jeff Townsley
(10 Minutes)
IV. Public Comment Period
(20 Minutes)
V. School Report
Dr. Lindsey Weeden
(10 minutes)
VI. Accountability Comparison Report
Richard Tipton, Brandy Shelton
(15 Minutes)
VII. Conflict of Interest Statement
Chair to Board Members:
Chair to Board Members:
Chair to Board Secretary:
(5 Minutes)
VIII. Approval of Agenda
(5 Minutes)
IX. Consent Agenda
(5 minutes)
IX.A. Consideration of Approving Minutes of December 10, 2024, Board Meeting
Steve Starnes
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: In accordance with State law, the Board of Education must approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board. The draft of the minutes of the previous meeting shall be sent to all Board members with the agenda for the subsequent meeting.
Summary of Major Elements: Meeting minutes are attached for Board review. Following approval by the Board, the minutes shall be signed by the Board Chair and Director of Schools. The minutes will become permanent records of the Board and shall be made available to any interested party upon request.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action:
None |
IX.B. Consideration of Accepting Personnel Report
Melissa Batson, Chief Human Resources Officer
_X_ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) ___ Board review required by: ___ State or federal law or regulation
_X_ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action:
_X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: In a continuing effort to keep the Greeneville City Board of Education advised of personnel changes in the school system, a report is made monthly to the members. Board action is occasionally required for personnel related matters. Summary of Major Elements: The attached are changes in personnel since the December report to the Board.
Acceptance Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
IX.C. Consideration of Approving Board Policy Revisions (2nd Reading)
Steve Starnes, Richard Tipton, Dr. Jason Horne, Ellen Lipe, Melissa Batson, and Jeff Townsley
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: ___ No Previous board review/action _X_ Previous review/action date: _XX/XX/XXX________________________________________
action: _Approved on 1st Reading____________________________
Background Information: Per policy 1.600, at least biannually, the Board shall review its policy manual for the purpose of passing, revising, or deleting policies mandated by changing conditions. This routine review of district policies is done on an ongoing basis by central office administrative staff with the assistance of TSBA's policy maintenance service.
Summary of Major Elements: During Routine review, it was determined that the attached policies needed to either be updated to reflect the current language and practice, or reflect no changes.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
IX.D. Consideration of Approving Board Policy Revisions - No Changes (1st Reading)
Steve Starnes, Ellen Lipe, Richard Tipton, Dr. Jason Horne, Melissa Batson, and Jeff Townsley
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Per policy 1.600, at least biannually, the Board shall review its policy manual for the purpose of passing, revising, or deleting policies mandated by changing conditions. This routine review of district policies is done on an ongoing basis by central office administrative staff with the assistance of TSBA’s policy maintenance service. Summary of Major Elements: During routine review, it was determined that no changes were required in the attached policies. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: 2nd reading at XXX Board meeting |
IX.E. Consideration of Approving 2024-2025 General Purpose Budget Amendment #2
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Budget Amendments are made periodically throughout the year to more accurately reflect revenues and expenditures. Summary of Major Elements: Please see attached amendment footnotes Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As Presented Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
IX.F. Consideration of Approving School Trip Request
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: __ State or federal law or regulation _X_ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Board Policy 4.302 specifies that the Board must approve field trips that are both overnight and out-of-state. Additionally, approval is required when students must leave school early for participation in athletic events. Summary of Major Elements: The detailed trip request is attached. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
X. Action Items
X.A. Consideration of Accepting 2023-2024 Audited Financial Statements
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: State law requires the Board of Education to secure an independent internal audit of funds and financial management practices. Summary of Major Elements: The Board of Education audit for the year ended June 30, 2024, was performed by Rodefer Moss & Co., PLLC. The audit reports being presented contain the financial statements and all other reportable conditions for the Greeneville City Board of Education and School Activity Funds. The Report offers an unmodified opinion, which is the most favorable opinion that can be received, with no findings at the District level and findings as presented and included in the attached audit reports at the School Activity Fund level. A representative from Rodefer Moss will attend the Board meeting to answer any questions. Due to the complex nature of financial statement presentations, it is recommended that questions be sent to the Chief Financial Officer in advance of the BOE meeting so that the proper information can be gathered and Principals may be consulted if needed for School Activity Fund audits. The Chief Financial Officer recommends acceptance of the 2024 Audited Financial Statements. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As presented in the attached Audited Financial Statements Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 Minutes)
X.B. Consideration of Accepting December 2024 Financial Statements
Ellen Lipe, CPA
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: ___ State or federal law or regulation
_X_ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
___ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Financial Statements are presented to the Board of Education each month. Summary of Major Elements: Attached are the following financial statements: · Local Revenue Tracking Report · General Purpose/Federal Statements of Revenue & Expenditures Director of Schools' Recommendation: Acceptance Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 minutes)
X.C. Consideration of Approving Board Policy Revisions - 1st Reading
Steve Starnes, Richard Tipton, Dr. Jason Horne, Ellen Lipe, Melissa Batson, and Jeff Townsley
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Per policy 1.600, at least biannually, the Board shall review its policy manual for the purpose of passing, revising, or deleting policies mandated by changing conditions. This routine review of district policies is done on an ongoing basis by central office administrative staff with the assistance of TSBA’s policy maintenance service. Summary of Major Elements: Revisions are recommended to the attached policies on 1st reading. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 minutes)
X.D. Consideration of Approving Purchase of Audio Enhancement EPIC System at GMS
Chuck Broyles
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information:
Summary of Major Elements:
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: Capital Funding approved in the 2024/2025 budget will be used. Timetable for Further Review/Action: Immediate
(5 Minutes)
X.E. Consideration of Approving 2026-2027 District/School Calendar
Dr. Jason Horne
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The GCS Calendar Team is made up of teachers, parents, administrators and support personnel. The team has worked hard to develop a traditional school calendar for the 2026-2027 school year. All state and federal requirements have been considered and incorporated into the proposed calendar. The 200-day accountability requirements are met based on this calendar. · Students’ first day of school will be August 5, 2026 (abbreviated); the last day will be on May 26, 2027 (abbreviated). · ACT Test dates, TN Ready, TCAP and High School Assessment Window dates have not been released yet, therefore the calendar will need to be updated at a later date. Summary of Major Elements:X Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 Minutes)
X.F. Consideration of Approving Purchase of Equipment for Greene Technology Center
Steve Starnes
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: As the Greene County Board of Education and the Greeneville City Board of Education have been working to dissolve the partnership between the two Boards in relation to the operation of the Greene Technology Center, an appraisal of all equipment purchased through the Greene Technology Center Budget was obtained from Furrow Auction Company. The Greene County Board of Education has offered to sell their two-thirds interest in the equipment to Greeneville City Schools. Based on the appraisal conducted by Furrow Auction Company, total fair market value of the equipment housed at the Greene Technology Center is $799,043.00. Two-thirds of that amount represents $532,695.34. Summary of Major Elements: Approval to purchase Greene County Schools two-thirds interest in all equipment purchased through the Greene Technology Center Budget. The amount required to purchase would not exceed $532,695.34. These funds to purchase would come from Greeneville City Schools Fund Balance. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: A reduction of the Greeneville City Schools’ Fund Balance not to exceed $532,695.34 Timetable for Further Review/Action: The 2024-25 budget will be amended to reflect this current year purchase with a budget amendment to be submitted at a future meeting.
(5 Minutes)
X.G. Consideration of Approving the Debt Service for the Purchase of the Greene Technology Center and Authorizing the Director of Schools to Execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Town of Greeneville
Steve Starnes
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: As the Greene County Board of Education and the Greeneville City Board of Education have worked to dissolve the partnership between the two Boards in relation to the operation of the Greene Technology Center, an appraisal of the land and all buildings was obtained from Furrow Auction Company. The Greene County Board of Education has offered to sell their two-thirds interest in the Greene Technology Center building and adjacent land (7.353 acres) listed as Lot 1 on a Survey completed by Appalachian Surveying Consultants P. A., Brian T. Bartlett PLS CFS, dated May 23, 2023. Based on an appraisal conducted by Furrow Auction Company, the total fair market value of Lot 1 is $2,000,000.00. As outlined in the proposal from the Greene County Board of Education, the cost to purchase the Greene Technology Center (Lot 1) is $1,000,000.00. On January 7, 2025, during their regularly scheduled meeting, the Town of Greeneville approved to purchase the Greene Technology Center (Lot 1 on attached survey) with Greeneville City Schools servicing the entire debt using the quarter-cent sales tax proceeds which have previously been used by Greeneville City Schools to pay towards the debt service on the renovations and additions to Greeneville High School. Greeneville City Schools obligation in regard to Greeneville High School will end as of June 30, 2025. Beginning with 2025-26 fiscal year, Greeneville City Schools would use the funds ($190,487.00), previously used to assist funding the debt service on the renovations and additions to Greeneville High School, to service the debt needed to purchase the Greene County Board of Education’s two-thirds interest in the Greene Technology Center (Lot 1). Greeneville City Schools would be responsible for the entire debt service for the previously described purchase. Summary of Major Elements: Approval to service the debt incurred by the Town of Greeneville in the purchase of the Greene County Board of Education’s two-thirds interest in the Greene Technology Center (Lot 1 on the attached survey) using the quarter-cent sales tax proceeds ($190,487.00), previously used to assist in the debt service for the renovations and additions to Greeneville High School, beginning in the 2025-26 fiscal year and lasting until the debt is completely paid (seven years). Additionally, this agenda item seeks authorization to allow the Director of Schools to execute all necessary documents required to complete said purchase and corresponding debt service on behalf of Greeneville City Schools. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: Annual budgeted debt service of $190,487.00 beginning in the 2025-26 fiscal year and running for seven consecutive years (2025-26, 2026-27, 2027-28, 2028-29, 2029-30, 2030-31, & 2031-32). Timetable for Further Review/Action: Review annually during the budget process.
(5 Minutes)
X.H. Consideration of Approving 8th Grade Field Trip to Washington, DC
Dr. Jason Horne
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Greeneville Middle School is requesting permission to take the 8th grade class to Washington DC as an academic lesson and reward trip that aligns with the 8th grade curriculum. The trip is scheduled to take place on May 6,7,8, and 9, 2025. Sites to be visited include: Manassas Battlefield, Ben Lomond Historic Site, Ford’s Theatre Historic Site, Tour of the US Capitol, National Archives, and a visit to the Smithsonian Museums along the National Mall. Students, staff, and chaperones would be transported by commercial bus line to the above destinations. Summary of Major Elements: A request for proposals was created and advertised in the local newspaper and electronically. One proposal was received from Young Transportation and Tours. The proposal from Young Transportation and Tours is being recommended for approval. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: Greeneville Middle School funds will be used. Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 Minutes)
XII. Legislative Update
Pam Botta
(5 Minutes)
XIII. Adjournment
Carson Quillen & Drew Armbrister