Thursday, June 22, 2023 Following the joint meeting - GREENEVILLE CITY REGULAR BOARD MEETING
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I. Call to Order
II. Recognition of Visitors
III. Special Recognition
Beverly Miller and Steve Starnes
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Consent Agenda
(5 minutes)
V.A. Consideration of Approving Minutes of May 15, 2023, Board Meeting
Steve Starnes
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: In accordance with State law, the Board of Education must approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Board. The draft of the minutes of the previous meeting shall be sent to all Board members with the agenda for the subsequent meeting.
Summary of Major Elements: Meeting minutes are attached for Board review. Following approval by the Board, the minutes shall be signed by the Board Chair and Director of Schools. The minutes will become permanent records of the Board and shall be made available to any interested party upon request.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action:
None |
V.B. Consideration of Accepting Personnel Report
Melissa Batson, Chief Human Resources Officer
_X_ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) ___ Board review required by: ___ State or federal law or regulation
_X_ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action:
_X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: In a continuing effort to keep the Greeneville City Board of Education advised of personnel changes in the school system, a report is made monthly to the members. Board action is occasionally required for personnel related matters. Summary of Major Elements: The attached are changes in personnel since the May report to the Board.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Acceptance Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.C. Consideration of Approving Board Policy Revisions (2nd Reading)
Steve Starnes, Dr. Suzanne Bryant, Beverly Miller, Ellen Lipe, Melissa Batson, and Jeff Townsley
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting
___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: ___ No Previous board review/action _X_ Previous review/action date: _05/15/2023________________________________________
action: _Approved on 1st Reading____________________________
Background Information: Per policy 1.600, at least biannually, the Board shall review its policy manual for the purpose of passing, revising, or deleting policies mandated by changing conditions. This routine review of district policies is done on an ongoing basis by central office administrative staff with the assistance of TSBA's policy maintenance service.
Summary of Major Elements: During Routine review, it was determined that the attached policies needed to either be updated to reflect the current language and practice, or reflect no changes.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.D. Consideration of Approving Board Policy Revisions-No Changes (1st Reading)
Steve Starnes, Ellen Lipe, Dr. Suzanne Bryant, Beverly Miller, Melissa Batson, and Jeff Townsley
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Per policy 1.600, at least biannually, the Board shall review its policy manual for the purpose of passing, revising, or deleting policies mandated by changing conditions. This routine review of district policies is done on an ongoing basis by central office administrative staff with the assistance of TSBA’s policy maintenance service. Summary of Major Elements: During routine review, it was determined that no changes were required in the attached policies. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: 2nd reading at July Board meeting |
V.E. Consideration of Approving 2023-24 Paper Contract for District
Beverly Miller
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: GCS currently purchases approximately 750-850 cases of paper per year for use at all schools and business offices. This contract is negotiated on an annual basis. Summary of Major Elements: Following the release of request for proposals, two submissions were received. Tennessee Office Supply is the recommended vendor/supplier. Supporting proposal documentation is attached for review.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: Funds are budgeted in the 2023-24 budget. Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.F. Consideration of Approving School Trip Request
Steve Starnes
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: __X State or federal law or regulation _X_ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: __ No Previous board review/action X__ Previous review/action date: ____5/16/23____________ action: __Executive Committee Approval______________________________________________ Background Information: Board Policy 4.302 specifies that the Board must approve field trips that are both overnight and out-of-state. Additionally, approval is required when students must leave school early for participation in athletic events. Summary of Major Elements: Given that the Basketball Camp was set to occur June 8, 2023, through June 10, 2023, and the Board would not meet again prior to the camp taking place, Executive Committee approval was granted. This consent agenda item is to formally approve the requested trip. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.G. Consideration of Approving Carmen Cox Scholarship Recipients
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) __ Board review required by: __ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The Greeneville City Board of Education serves as trustees for the Carmen Cox Scholarship Trust. The Trust was established in 1996 through a bequest from the estate of T. Elmer Cox in memory of his wife, Carmen Cox. The Trust exists to provide scholarship assistance for post-secondary education to outstanding business students in each of the high schools located in Greene County. A trustee appointed committee determines scholarship amounts and recipients annually. Applications were solicited from all five high schools located in Greene County. This is in accordance with Trust guidelines. The recipients of the 2023 Carmen Cox Scholarship are: · Grace Ann Buchanan- North Greene High School $5,000 · Andrew Glen Shelton- Greeneville High School $5,000 Summary of Major Elements: Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: $10,000 from the Carmen Cox Scholarship Trust Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.H. Consideration of Approving 2023-2024 Differentiated Pay Plan
Dr. Suzanne Bryant and Melissa Batson
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The state of Tennessee requires that districts submit a Differentiated Pay Plan by July 14th that has been approved by the school board each year. Summary of Major Elements: The proposed 2023-2024 Differentiated Pay Plan is attached. No changes have been made this year. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: Supplemented pay is included in the existing budget and the 2023-24 budget. Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.I. Consideration of Approving 2023-24 School Nutrition Budget
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The State of Tennessee requires approval of the School Nutrition Budget by the Board of Education. The financial position of the School Nutrition Program at GCS is very good. Summary of Major Elements: The 2023-2024 School Nutrition Program Budget is attached. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As presented in the attached budget Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.J. Consideration of Approving 2023-24 Extended School Program Budget Amendment
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ __ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The State of Tennessee requires approval of a Budget Amendment to close out Fund 146. Summary of Major Elements: See attached Budget Amendment. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As presented in the attached Budget Amendment. Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.K. Consideration of Approving Final Fiscal Year 2023 Federal Projects Budget Amendment
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __Carmen Cox Scholarship Trust________________________________________ __ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Budget Amendments are made periodically throughout the year to?more accurately reflect anticipated revenues, expenditures, timing of expenditures, and grant award allocations. Summary of Major Elements: Attached?is the final Federal Projects Budget Amendment to be approved in the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. It allows for budgeting of continually revised federal grant allocations. Director of Schools' Recommendation: AcceptanceImpact on Resources: As presented in the attached Budget Amendment Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.L. Consideration of Approving 2023-2024 Federal Projects Budget
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __Carmen Cox Scholarship Trust________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The State of Tennessee requires approval of the Federal Projects Budget by the Board of Education. Summary of Major Elements: The 2023-2024 Federal Projects Budget is attached. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As presented in the attached Budget Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
V.M. Consideration of Approving Purchase of Custodial Supplies and Equipment
Steve Starnes
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation _X_ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: __ No Previous board review/action _X_ Previous review/action date: __6/1/23______________ action: __Executive Committe Approval ______________________________________________ Background Information: We received an Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) Grant from the TDOE. An amount of funds was set aside for Covid-19 testing that did not get used. The grant was scheduled to end on June 30, 2023, and any unused funds would have been reverted back to the state. In an effort to not lose these funds, we were given approval by grant administration officials to amend the budget and use these funds for other approved uses within the grant. Summary of Major Elements: The decision was to use $40,026.41 to purchase custodial supplies and $35,180.85 to purchase three floor scrubber machines which are approved items under the grant. In order to be able to order the materials and receive them in the district by the June 30, 2023, grant expiration deadline, Executive Committee approval was granted on June 1, 2023, to order these materials to make full use of the remaining grant funds in the ELC grant. These items were purchased from an existing Omnia Purchasing Contract (#22-07; Nov. 1, 2022- Oct. 31, 2025 ). This consent agenda item is to formally approve the above purchases. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: X Timetable for Further Review/Action: None |
VI. Action Item
VI.A. Consideration of Accepting May 2023 Financial Statements
Ellen Lipe, CPA
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: ___ State or federal law or regulation
_X_ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
___ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Financial Statements are presented to the Board of Education each month. Summary of Major Elements: Attached are the following financial statements: · Local Revenue Tracking Report · General Purpose/Federal Statements of Revenue & Expenditures Director of Schools' Recommendation: Acceptance Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 minutes)
VI.B. Consideration of Approving Board Policy Revisions - (1st Reading)
Steve Starnes, Dr. Suzanne Bryant, Beverly Miller, Ellen Lipe, Melissa Batson, and Jeff Townsley
___ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation
___ Board of Education policy
Other: __________________________________________
_X_ Action requested at this meeting___ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date)
Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action ___ Previous review/action date: ________________
action: ________________________________________________
Background Information: Per policy 1.600, at least biannually, the Board shall review its policy manual for the purpose of passing, revising, or deleting policies mandated by changing conditions. This routine review of district policies is done on an ongoing basis by central office administrative staff with the assistance of TSBA’s policy maintenance service. Summary of Major Elements: Revisions are recommended to the attached policies on 1st reading. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: None Timetable for Further Review/Action: 2nd reading at July Board meeting
(5 minutes)
VI.C. Consideration of Purchasing Vehicle for Family Resource Center Use to Support ARP 2.0 Homeless and Title V-Parent and Family Engagement
Dr. Suzanne Bryant
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: GCS receives ARP Homeless 2.0 funds. These funds help us support our homeless students through supplies and instructional materials, transportation, food/hygiene items, services outside of school, and emergency housing in order to help our homeless students remain engaged in school related activities. A portion of these funds have been allocated to help purchase a vehicle to assist with these efforts. In addition, GCS receives Title V funding, part of which also has been allocated to help purchase a vehicle to assist with parent and family engagement, including transportation to school and district engagement events such as school meetings and parent/teacher conferences, IEP meetings, Title I Parent night, and other school engagements. Using their own personal vehicle, the Director of the District’s Family Resource Center (FRC), along with either GCS Social Worker or Family Support Attendance Interventionist, made over 200 home visits during the 2022-2023 school year. On regular and numerous occasions, the Director has hauled loads of various types of items for delivery including but not limited to food, supplies, and any other goods that were presented as a need for our students. In addition, the Director transported students and family members to places such as court dates, their homes, temporary housing, and healthcare facilities, among other locations. While the ARP Homeless 2.0 grant will close in June 2024, the work of the Family Resource Center will continue, and Title V efforts will be ongoing, as well. Purchasing a vehicle for these purposes will help significantly underscore this vital work by providing consistent and reliable transportation for our families and a means to make large deliveries when necessary. Additionally, an added safety feature will be utilizing the vehicle for these home visits since the GCS logo will be placed on both side doors, identifying the vehicle and its occupants as employees of GCS. Summary of Major Elements: Purchase of a 2023 Ford Escape Base AWD Oxford White vehicle in the amount of $28,981.00 through the Tennessee state procurement process will help us: • Support the work of the ARP Homeless 2.0 grant • Support the work of Title V - Parent and Family Engagement • Relieve continued wear and tear on employee’s personal vehicles • Provide safer home visits for our FRC director and other district employees who engage directly with families in similar scenarios through an easily identified district vehicle that will openly display the Greeneville City Schools logo • Provide consistent and reliable transportation when needed to school engagements as outlined under "Background Information." • Provide a consistent and reliable means to haul large loads of items to our students • Serve GCS employees, whereas upon the close of the ARP 2.0 Homeless grant, the vehicle could also be used for general purpose travel for employees of our district, provided it is not being used at that time to serve students and families. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: No impact on resources for the 23-24 school year (100% covered by grant) ARP Homeless 2.0 - $11,689.00 Title V - $17,292.00 Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 Minutes)
VI.D. Consideration of Approving to Purchase GHS Video Production Computer Systems
Beverly Miller
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) __ Board review required by: __ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: The Greeneville High School Video Production curriculum and course offering will be expanding as part of the Tennessee Innovative High School grant program and opportunity. High school administrators along with Mr. Nathan Hale have been working throughout the current year to prepare for additional courses and opportunities for students. It is necessary to purchase new, robust computers to be used by students for video editing and publishing purposes. Summary of Major Elements: As a result of a comprehensive analysis, the following devices are being recommended for purchase direct from Apple:
Approval Impact on Resources:
(5 Minutes)
VI.E. Consideration for Approval to Purchase GHS Engineering Program Equipment
Beverly Miller
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) __ Board review required by: __ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: __ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: A new Engineering Program will soon be available for GHS students as part of the Tennessee Innovative High School grant program and opportunity. High school administrators along with Dr. David Pauley have been working throughout the current year to prepare for additional courses and opportunities for students. It is necessary to purchase several pieces of equipment and fixtures in order to build and offer a best-in-class program. The following table summarizes a total of $317,897.25 with details available on the attached/itemized spreadsheet by vendor-partner. Additional supporting documentation is also provided with details about each item proposed.
Director of Schools' Recommendation: ApprovalImpact on Resources:
Timetable for Further Review/Action: Immediate
(10 minutes)
VI.F. Consideration of Approving Final 2022-2023 General Purpose Budget Amendment
Ellen Lipe, CPA
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) _X_ Board review required by: _X_ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Budget Amendments are made at the end of each year to more accurately reflect revenues and expenditures. Summary of Major Elements: See attached amendment. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: As Presented Timetable for Further Review/Action: None
(5 minutes)
VI.G. Consideration of Approval of Insurance Coverage for 2023-2024
Beverly Miller
__ Topic presented for information only (no board action required) __ Board review required by: __ State or federal law or regulation __ Board of Education policy Other: __________________________________________ _X_ Action requested at this meeting __ Action requested at future meeting: _______________ (date) Previous Review/Action: _X_ No Previous board review/action __ Previous review/action date: ________________ action: ________________________________________________ Background Information: Significant work has gone into the thorough analysis of GCS insurance coverage during the past year. Analysis continues to ensure neither gaps nor overlaps exist in district policies. Summary of Major Elements: The GCS District is a member of the PEPartners. PEPartners is a voluntary, cooperative organization established by the cities and towns of the state for mutual assistance and improvement. The PEPartners is focused on helping provide high-quality risk management services for municipalities and school districts. Our local broker for PEPartners is the McInturff, Milligan, & Brooks group located in Greeneville, Tennessee. GCS has a long-standing relationship with this firm, and the group continues to provide exemplary customer service and support to the district. The supporting documentation provides details regarding policies and overall coverage. Director of Schools' Recommendation: Approval Impact on Resources: The table below depicts the costs associated with district 2023-2024 insurance policies: ![]() In addition to the policies listed above, a recommendation is included to renew a policy to cover potential data breach and other cyber incidents. The annual cost is $28,525 (an increase of $85 over last year’s premium). One additional policy is recommended for the Greene Technology Center to provide additional protection for the Aviation Program. The premium for that policy is $5,175/annually. Supporting documentation provides additional information. Timetable for Further Review/Action: Immediate
(5 Minutes)
VII. Director's Report
Steve Starnes
(5 minutes)
VIII. Board Chair's Comments
Cindy Luttrell
(5 Minutes)
IX. Adjournment
- Ellen Lipe