Agenda |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons:
3. Recognition:
4. Public Forum:
5. Approval of Agenda:
Recommended Motion(s):
to approve the agenda. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
6. Consent Agenda Items:
Recommended Motion(s):
approve the consent agenda. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
6.A. Approval of Regular and Annual Meeting Minutes on July 11, 2022 and Special Meeting Minutes on July 25, 2022.
6.B. Approve Personnel Action
6.C. Approve Financial Reports
6.D. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable and Payroll
6.E. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
7. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
8. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
9. Superintendent Items:
9.A. Approve Student Assignment Requests SA-23-01 through SA-23-02 as recommended for the 2022-23 school year.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Student Assignment Requests as recommended. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
9.B. Approve Open Enrollment applications as recommended to attend Douglas School District effective for the 2022-23 school year.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve open enrollment requests as recommended. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
9.C. Approve the New Elementary School Design Development phase and authorize the Construction Document phase as presented by DLR Group and COOP Architects.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Additional rationale regarding the importance of moving forward with developing Construction Documents (CD) for Elementary School #1 are attached. We continue to be in an unsettling position as it relates to having a crystal clear picture of how all of the pieces regarding next steps with funding are going to unfold. We also want to be in a position, when the pieces all begin to align to be able to articulate that the district has completed everything within our power necessary to move forward with building buildings once we secure funding.
DLR plans to be at the meeting virtually. Jared with COOP is working on rearranging his schedule to be present. In his absence, we are asking that KLG Engineering, the firm who completed the traffic study be present to answer any questions regarding the traffic study.
9.D. Douglas School District Strategic Direction Update & Draft Timeline.
10. Fiscal Resources Items:
11. Operational Support Services Items:
11.A. Approve Deletion of Job Titles/Descriptions, no longer offered at Douglas School District.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to delete obsolete job descriptions. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
11.B. Approve CMAR (Construction Manager at Risk) Contract Between Douglas School District and Gustafson Builders -Heavy Constructors Inc. for New High School.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve CMAR (Construction Manager at Risk) Contract Between Douglas School District and Heavy Constructors Inc. for New High School. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
This is a required Standard Form agreement detailing sharing and exchange of documentation for design and construction of the New High School Facility. CMAR has been vetted and approved through the district's legal team, admin, Co-Op Arch. and Heavy Constructors Inc.
11.C. Hear and Approve SECOND Reading of REVISED Board Policy AA - School District Legal Status.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AA - School District Legal Status. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Motion to approve second readings of Items #11C-Q as one motion. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading
Added Legal References. No other proposed changes since 2014 revision. Aligns with ASBSD.
11.D. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ABA - Parental / Community Involvement in Decision Making.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading Review of Board Policy ABA - Parental / Community Involvement in Decision Making. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since 2014 revision.
Aligns with ASBSD.
11.E. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ABAB- Parent Involvement.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ABAB- Parent Involvement. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No proposed changes since 2014 revision.
Aligns with ASBSD.
11.F. Hear and Approve Second Reading of REVISED policy ABAC - Relations With Parents.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading of REVISED policy ABAC - Relations With Parents. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading.
Grammar changes. Added Legal Reference. No other proposed changes since 2014 revision. Aligns with ASBSD.
11.G. Hear and Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AC- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AC- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading.
Changed point of contact. Eliminated "Assistant Superintendent"
11.H. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy AC-R- NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERAL PROGRAMS Complaint Procedure
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy AC-R- NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERAL PROGRAMS Complaint Procedure. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading.
No proposed changes in process since 2019 revision.
11.I. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Exhibits AC-E1, AC-E2, AC-E3- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs Complaint Forms.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Exhibits AC-E1, AC-E2, AC-E3- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs Complaint Forms. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading.
No changes proposed since 2019 review.
11.J. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ACAB- Prohibition Against Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ACAB- Prohibition Against Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading
No proposed changes since 2019 revision.
11.K. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of policy ACB - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of policy ACB - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading.
No changes proposed since 2014 Revision.
11.L. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ADA- Mission Statement.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy ADA- Mission Statement. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading
No proposed changes since 2006 approval.
11.M. Hear and Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AEA- Tobacco-Free Schools.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AEA- Tobacco-Free Schools. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading.
Added reference to "designee." No other proposed changes since 2016 revision.
11.N. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy AGA- Contested Hearings.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy AGA- Contested Hearings. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading
No changes proposed since 2014 approval.
11.O. Hear and Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AH - Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Authorization.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy AH - Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Authorization. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading
Eliminated reference to "local service agency" per SDCL.
11.P. Hear and Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy Exhibits AH-E(1)- Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and AH-E(2)- School Board Action on Conflict of Interest Disclosure.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading REVIEW of Board Policy Exhibits AH-E(1)- Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and AH-E(2)- School Board Action on Conflict of Interest Disclosure. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since First Reading
No changes proposed since 2017 adoption. |
11.Q. Hear Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy GCBDC - Jury Duty Leave.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Second Reading of REVISED Board Policy GCBDC - Jury Duty Leave. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes since First Reading
11.R. Hear and Approve First Reading of REVISED and REVIEWED Board Policies, SECTION B.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve First Reading of REVISED and REVIEWED Board Policies, SECTION B. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
The following policies from Section B either require no change and are in alignment with the latest ASBSD policy versions, or have been revised to reflect ASBSD language, eliminate redundancy, or update legal references.
BA- Board Operational Goals- REVISED BB- School Board Legal Status- REVISED BBA- School Board Powers and Authority- REVIEW BBAA- Board Member Authority- REVIEW BBB- School Board Elections- REVIEW BBBA- School Board Member Qualifications- REVIEW BBBB- Board Members Oath of Office- REVIEW BBC- Board Member Resignation- Removal from Office- REVIEW BBE- School Board Member Vacancy- REVISED BBEA- Unexpired Term Fulfillment Procedure- REVIEW BBF- Board Member Code of Ethics- REVIEW BBFA- Board Member Conflict of Interest- REVIEW BCA- Annual Board Organizational Meeting- REVIEW BCB- Board Officers- REVIEW BCC- Appointed Board Officials- REVIEW BCD- School Board- Superintendent Relationship- REVIEW
12. Reports:
12.A. Superintendent:
12.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
13. Upcoming Calendar Events:
August 15 - Special BOE Meeting/Values & Beliefs August 22 - First Day of School for Students August 22 - BOE Meeting |
14. Executive Session per SDCL 1-25-2.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to move into executive session at for the purpose of. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
15. Action As A Result of Executive Session
16. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn the meeting at. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.