Agenda |
1. Call Meeting To Order:
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence In Honor Of Fallen Soldiers And Active Duty Persons.
3. Recognition: Ben Frerichs for his years of service on the School Board.
4. Public Forum:
5. Approval of Agenda.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the agenda. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
6. Public Hearing on Proposed 2022-23 School District Budget.
7. Consent Agenda Items:
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve the consent agenda. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
7.A. Approve Special Meeting Minutes for June 20, 2022 and Regular Meeting Minutes for June 27, 2022.
7.B. Approve Personnel Action.
7.C. Approve the Purchases and Issuing of Accounts Payable and Payroll
7.D. Approve Conflict Disclosures and Waiver Authorizations Pursuant to SDCL 3-23-3
7.E. Approve ThoughtExchange License Renewal for 2022-2023 School Year.
7.F. Approve Overnight/Out-of-State High School Trip Requests for the 2022-23 School Year.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve trip requests, as well as, any rescheduling of these trips due to weather or COVID. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Board approval is required per codified law for all student travel that is overnight or out of state.
This request includes all known overnight and out of state travel at this time.
8. Items Removed From Consent Agenda
9. Elementary and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction Items:
10. Superintendent Items:
10.A. Elementary School Design Development Presentation by DLR Group.
10.B. Approve the following Resolution:
WHEREAS, Ben Frerichs has faithfully served the children and patrons of the Douglas School District for five (5) years as a school board member; and WHEREAS, Ben Frerichs has been involved in and contributed to the activities and functions of the schools and has given freely of his time and energies to resolve the issues, both educational and financial, which have come before the Board; and WHEREAS, Ben Frerichs has maintained high standards and earned the respect of educators and fellow board members; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the School Board of Douglas School District 51-1 hereby commends Ben Frerichs for his valuable contributions to the students and staff of the Douglas School District.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve resolution commending Ben Frerichs for his five years of service to the Douglas School Board of Eductation. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
10.C. Confirmation of Col. Patrice Holmes and CMSgt. Keelan Rasmusson as Associate School Board Members representing Ellsworth Air Force Base. Ellsworth Air Force Base School Liaison Frances Apland will serve as alternate associate school board member as per School Board Policy BL.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve confirmation of Col. Patrice Holmes and CMSgt. Keelan Rasmusson as an associate board member with Fran Apland confirmed as alternate per Board Policy BL. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
10.D. Approve 2022-23 Negotiated Agreement.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve Negotiated Agreement for the 2022-23 school year. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
The 2022-23 Negotiated Agreement reflects the revisions and updates approved through the negotiation process with DEA and the School Board.
10.E. Approve Agreement with Riggs Enterprises - Strategic Direction
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to approve contract with Riggs Enterprises to facilitate Strategic Direction process for the district. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
We have been discussing the need to update our strategic direction for the past 6 months. I have been working with our Adaptive Schools trainers and Brian Riggs to align and integrate both of these processes into our strategic direction. Ellie's work with Values and Beliefs during the week of August 15 will provide the baseline for our Strategic Direction. Brian plans to be in the district in July and August. The strategic planning process should be completed after the first of the year.
11. Fiscal Resources Items:
11.A. LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Douglas School District #51-1 Board of Education, after duly considering the FY22 Expenditure needs, hereby approves and authorizes the transfer of FY22 contingency funds to the appropriate expenditure accounts within and between the General and Special Education Funds for payment of instructional materials, equipment and costs not to exceed $301,422.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Contingency Transfers as presented. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
11.B. Approve Supplemental Budget for FY 22. (Copy attached)
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Supplemental Budget as presented. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
12. Operational Support Services Items:
12.A. Approve Declaring Technology Items as Surplus (Sale or Disposal).
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Declaring Technology Items as Surplus (Sale or Disposal). This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
The attached list contains technology items beyond end-of-life, already replaced with new Viewsonic viewboards, and/or non-repairable.
12.B. Hear and Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AA - School District Legal Status.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AA - School District Legal Status. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Recommended Motion(s) #2:
Motion to approve first readings of Items #12B-P as one motion. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Added Legal References.
No other proposed changes since 2014 revision. Aligns with ASBSD.
12.C. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ABA - Parental / Community Involvement in Decision Making.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Review of Board Policy ABA - Parental / Community Involvement in Decision Making. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since 2014 revision.
Aligns with ASBSD.
12.D. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ABAB- Parent Involvement.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ABAB- Parent Involvement. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No proposed changes since 2014 revision.
Aligns with ASBSD.
12.E. Hear and Approve First Reading of REVISED policy ABAC - Relations With Parents.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve First Reading of REVISED policy ABAC - Relations With Parents. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Grammar changes.
Added Legal Reference. No other proposed changes since 2014 revision. Aligns with ASBSD.
12.F. Hear and Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AC- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AC- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Changed point of contact.
Eliminated "Assistant Superintendent"
12.G. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy AC-R- NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERAL PROGRAMS Complaint Procedure
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Policy AC-R- NONDISCRIMINATION IN FEDERAL PROGRAMS Complaint Procedure. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No proposed changes in process since 2019 revision.
12.H. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Exhibits AC-E1, AC-E2, AC-E3- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs Complaint Forms.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Exhibits AC-E1, AC-E2, AC-E3- Non Discrimination in Federal Programs Complaint Forms. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since 2019 review.
12.I. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ACAB- Prohibition Against Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ACAB- Prohibition Against Aiding and Abetting Sexual Abuse. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No proposed changes since 2019 revision.
12.J. Hear and Approve REVIEW of policy ACB - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of policy ACB - Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since 2014 Revision.
12.K. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ADA- Mission Statement.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Policy ADA- Mission Statement. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No proposed changes since 2006 approval.
12.L. Hear and Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AEA- Tobacco-Free Schools.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AEA- Tobacco-Free Schools. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Added reference to "designee."
No other proposed changes since 2016 revision.
12.M. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy AGA- Contested Hearings.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Policy AGA- Contested Hearings. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since 2014 approval.
12.N. Hear and Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AH - Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Authorization.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve First Reading of REVISED Board Policy AH - Conflict of Interest Disclosure and Authorization. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
Eliminated reference to "local service agency" per SDCL.
12.O. Hear and Approve REVIEW of Board Policy Exhibits AH-E(1)- Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and AH-E(2)- School Board Action on Conflict of Interest Disclosure.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve REVIEW of Board Policy Exhibits AH-E(1)- Conflict of Interest Disclosure, and AH-E(2)- School Board Action on Conflict of Interest Disclosure. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
No changes proposed since 2017 adoption.
12.P. Hear First Reading of REVISED Board Policy GCBDC - Jury Duty Leave.
12.Q. Approve Purchase of Tyler Technologies, Transportation Management System, $113,502.50.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to Approve Purchase of Tyler Technologies, Transportation Management System, $113,502.50. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
As mentioned during the June 13, 2022, regular School Board meeting, Douglas District has a need to advance our ability to schedule, track, maintain, roster, and dispatch busses. This will be especially important as the district grows both in student numbers, and geographically.
After viewing three reputable vendor solutions for Transportation Management, we found that Tyler Technologies checks all of the boxes.
13. Reports:
13.A. Superintendent:
13.B. Committee Reports From Board Members and Comments from Associate Board Members
14. Upcoming Calendar Events:
July 25-28 - Session 2 Adaptive Schools Staff Training July 25 - Special BOE Meeting - Approve DD & Work Session with Toni Prickett 5:00 Pm August 15 - Special BOE Meeting - Ellie Martinez - District Values & Beliefs |
15. Executive Session for personnel according to SDCL 1-25-2.1.
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to move into executive session at. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.
16. Action As A Result of Executive Session
17. Adjournment
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion to adjourn the meeting at. This motion, made by {Insert Board Member} and seconded by {Insert Board Member}, {Insert Action Result}.