February 25, 2025 at 7:00 PM - Wahoo City Council Agenda
Agenda |
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcement of the Open Meetings Act
Call to order and roll call
Audience comments on items not listed on the agenda
Department head reports
1. EMS
2. City Administrator Report
Consent Agenda
1. Acceptance of excused absence of Mayor or Council member(s)
2. Approval of the February 11, 2025, minutes of the City Council
3. Acceptance of the February 13, 2025, minutes of the Planning Commission
4. Approval of claims
Public hearing and associated action items
1. Discussion and action regarding Conditional Use Application for small Engine repair at 132 E 4th Street
2. Discussion and action regarding Conditional Use Application for mini storage units at 997 Commercial Park Road
Action items not requiring a public hearing
2. Discussion and possible action regarding TIF agreement with Lincolnshire Investments Wahoo Super Project.
3. Approval of Ordinance No 2466 regarding Conditional Use Permit renewal for VIERO cell tower.
4. Acceptance of the City of Wahoo audited financial statements for FY 2023-24 ending September 30, 2024
Mayor's comments on items not listed on the agenda
Council Comments on items not listed on the agenda
Upcoming planned meeting dates and agenda deadlines