Agenda |
I. Public Forum
II. Call meeting to Order
III. Consent Agenda (Note: Items on the consent agenda are considered routine and will be enacted under one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items at the meeting unless a Board Member requests an item removed from the agenda for separate action.)
III.A. Approval of Agenda
III.B. Approval of Minutes of the Monday, November 9, 2020, Regular Meeting, and Monday, November 23, 2020, Board/Administrator Workshop
III.C. Presentation of December Bills for Approval and Payment
III.D. Consider Temporary Non-Resident Request
IV. Items Removed From the Consent Agenda for Separate Action
V. Reports
V.A. Administrative Reports
V.B. Committee Report(s)
V.C. Construction Report
V.D. Coordinator Report- Foundation
V.E. Spotlight Report- Multicultural Report
V.F. Strategic Planning Update- Goal #3
VI. Unfinished Business
VI.A. Discuss and Consider Construction Change Order(s)
VI.B. Recap of Board/Administrator Workshop
VI.C. Discuss Return to Learn Plan
VI.D. Discuss and Approve Modified 2020-2021 School Calendar
VII. New Business
VII.A. Review District Wellness Report
VII.B. Discuss and Approve Refinancing of Series 2012B, 2014B and 2017 Bonds
VII.C. Discuss and Approve Easements and Dedication with City of Omaha- 168 Snowden Commons
VII.D. Discuss and Approve DLR Group Design Development Documents for OPW Roads Projects at Elementary #5 and Middle School #2 Sites
VII.E. Discuss and Approve Douglas County Inter-local Agreement for Roadway Improvements to Military Road and 168 Snowden Commons
VII.F. Discuss and Approve Letter of Credit for Omaha Public Works Road Projects
VII.G. Approve Early Graduation Requests
VII.H. Approve Curriculum and Personnel Proposals
VII.I. Consider Hardship Request
VII.J. Personnel
VII.J.1. Resignations
VII.J.2. Hiring
VII.K. Executive Session to Discuss Certified Personnel Negotiations and Superintendent Evaluation
VII.L. Possible Action from Executive Session
VIII. Time and Date of Next Regular Meeting: January 11,2021, at 7:00 p.m., District Board Room
IX. Adjournment