August 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the meeting to order.
2. Roll call of members.
3. Flag salute and moment of silence.
All of the following items, which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at board meetings, will be approved by one vote unless any board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The consent agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and approval of the following items: |
4.A. Minutes:
4.A.1. July 13, 2020 Special Meeting
4.A.2. July 21, 2020 Special Board Meeting
4.B. Financial reports:
4.B.1. Activity Accounts
4.B.2. Treasurer's Report
4.C. Encumbrances and changes as follows:
4.C.1. General Fund : #1014-1189; #50000-50051
4.C.2. Building Fund: #2; #50000-50008
4.C.3. Child Nutrition Fund : #9-28; #50001-50007
4.C.4. Bond Fund: #1-3
4.D. Fundraisers:
4.E. Contracts:
4.E.1. Annual Contract with the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education for FY21.
5. Introduction of guests and public discussion by those who requested audience regarding any item on the agenda.
6. Administrative reports:
6.A. Principal's Reports
6.B. Facilities and Operations Reports
6.C. Related Services Reports (food service, technology, student services)
6.D. Superintendent's Report
6.E. Budget Reports
7. Discussion and possible action to retain the Frantz Law Group in a coordinated effort with the Center for Education Law to join the JUUL Class Action Lawsuit.
8. Discussion and possible action to approve Activity Fund Sub-account 887, Technology. Expenses for purchase and repairs to technology equipment such as iPads, Chromebooks, Connectivity, etc. for student/teacher use are intended uses for the sub-account. This is requested by Kevin Ozment.
9. The Board of Education to consider adoption of a resolution approving and affirming a Lease/Purchase Agreement and authorizing the execution of same: Acknowledging assignment of Lessor's interest in Lease/Purchase Agreement; Designating lease transaction as a qualified tax-exempt obligation; and authorizing School District officials to execute any and all necessary documents in connection with the aforementioned transactions. (Replacement and upgrade of heating and air conditioning units at Northwood ES and the Middle School.)
10. Discussion and possible action for the 6th grade class at Northwood Elementary to attend Camp Goddard the week of August 31-September 4. (Mr. Carter and Mrs. Willmett will present this item)
11. Discussion and possible action to accept a quote for Appraisal Services to appraise the Seminole High School Facility at 501 N. Timmons.
12. Discussion and possible action to approve the revised SPS Blended Learning Instructional Calendar for 2020-2021.
13. Discussion and possible action to adopt the ACT Student Test platform for FY21, or the Standard State Test platform for FY21. This item will be presented by Emma Speer.
14. Discussion and possible action to approve the listed policy reviews and updates:
14.A. Revisions to the FY21 Student Handbooks
14.B. Blended Learning and Return to Learn Plans and Procedures
14.C. Policy Section E - Instruction
14.D. Policy Section F - Students
14.E. Updates as recommended by OSSBA Policy Services
15. Discussion and possible action to approve the cafeteria meal prices for FY21. Suggested prices are breakfast (adult) $2.00, lunch (adult) $4.00, and a la carte $1.00.
16. Consider and take necessary action to approve, reject, or table the designation "Operating" and "Investment" funds and permission to invest.
17. Consider and take necessary action to approve, reject, or table the adoption of a Section 125 Flexible Fringe Benefits Plan for the employees of Seminole School District to be effective on 9/1/2020.
18. Consider and take necessary action to approve activity fund accounts and activity fund sub account purposes/expenditures for the 2020-2021 year.
19. Board to discuss and take possible action to approve, reject, or table the Student Apprenticeship/Internship/Mentorship Program at Seminole High School. Presented by Steve Osborn.
20.A. Consider and take necessary action to convene in executive session.
20.B. Return of the board to open session and the board president's executive session statement.
21. Discussion and possible action to approve the following personnel items for certified and non-certified personnel:
21.A. Resignation - Merri Walters
21.B. Resignation - Connie Little
21.C. Extra duty assignments for FY21
21.D. Employment of school resource officer, Leo Tiger. (FY21)
21.E. Employment of paraprofessional/teacher assistants (FY21)
21.F. PK Teacher - temporary contract, Jill Allford, (FY21).
21.G. Elementary teacher - temporary contract, not filled.
21.H. High school computer teacher - temporary contract, Casady Fletcher, (FY21).
22. New Business
23. Adjourn