October 4, 2018 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Trustees Will Adjourn Into Closed Session to Obtain Legal Advice Regarding the Easement Agreements Between Cornerstone at Kelly Lane, LLC and the District, the Proposed Resolution, Proposed Amended and Restated Easement Agreement, and Related Legal Matters (551.071, 551.129 and 551.072)
II. Consideration and Possible Action on the Following Between Cornerstone at Kelly Lane, LLC and the District, Which Concern that Certain Easement Agreement Dated March 24, 1998, Recorded in Volume Number 13151, Page 2153, and That Certain Easement Agreement Dated June 8, 1999, Recorded as Instrument No. 1999049720, Each Recorded in the Official Public Records of Travis County (“Easement Agreements”): Resolution and Amended and Restated Easement Agreement, Concerning the District’s Use of What is Commonly Known as Benning Drive, Hawk Drive, and Southern Drive, With Use and Maintenance of the Sidewalks Appurtenant to Benning Drive and Hawk Drive, Which Serve the District’s Murchison Elementary School and Hendrickson High School, Release of the 1998 Easement Agreement and Release of Other Portions of the 1999 Easement Agreement