February 26, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Opening
I.A. Awards and Recognitions
I.B. Citizen Participation
II. Consent Agenda
II.A. Consideration and Possible Approval of Meeting Minutes
II.A.1. January 15, 2009 Special Meeting
II.A.2. January 15, 2009 Regular Meeting
II.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Contracts for Legal Services
II.C. Consideration and Possible Renewal of Contracts for the Purchase of HVAC Parts and Supplies
II.D. Consideration and Possible Approval of Donation of Obsolete Library Books to Libraries of Love
II.E. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchase of Computers
II.F. Consideration and Possible Approval of Contracts for the Purchase of Hazardous Waste Disposal Services
II.G. Consideration and Possible Approval of an Electrical Easement at Park Crest Middle School to the City of Pflugerville
II.H. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Utility Easement at Dessau Middle School to the City of Austin
II.I. Consideration and Possible Approval of Purchases in Excess of $25,000
II.I.1. Education Service Center 13 for Regional Deaf School Services Provided Through December 1, 2008
II.I.2. SHW Group, LLP for Architect Fees for CHS Science and Band Hall Addition and Renovations
II.J. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Supporting a Grant Application to the State Criminal Justice Planning Fund
II.K. Consideration and Possible Approval of a Resolution Supporting a Grant Application to the Criminal Justice Division of the Governor’s Office as Part of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Title IV)
II.L. Consideration and Possible Approval of Budget Amendments to the 2008-09 General Fund and Capital Projects Fund
II.M. Consider Ratification of Personnel Assignments, Resignations, and Exits
III. Order May 9, 2009 Trustee Election
IV. Consideration and Possible Approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Pflugerville High School Band Hall, Science Lab and CTE Renovations
V. Consideration and Possible Approval of 2008-09 Investment Report for the Period Ending November 30, 2008
VI. Superintendent's Report
VI.A. Academic Spotlight - Dual Language Pilot Program
VI.B. Planning and Concept Development for High School No. 4
VI.C. Visitor Management System Implementation
VI.D. Monthly Financial Report and Tax Collection Report
VI.E. Monthly Construction and Facilities Report
VII. Consideration of Future Meetings and Agenda Items
VIII. Discuss Performance, Reassignment and Duties of Central Office and Campus Administrators (551.074)
IX. Closing