June 10, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting (Executive Session prior to board meeting)
Agenda |
1. Pledge of Allegiance
2. Call meeting to order/roll call
3. Agenda
4. Executive Session SDCL 1-25-2 Executive or closed meetings--Purposes--Authorization--Violation as misdemeanor. Executive or closed meetings may be held for the sole purpose of: View SDCL 1-25-2 for all reason for executive session.
4.a. School board members will enter into executive session to discuss Personnel (SDCL-1-25-2.1) and Employment Negotiations (SDCL-1-25-2.4).
5. Consent Agenda
5.a. Regular Meeting Minutes on Monday, May 13, 2024
5.b. Personnel
The following personnel are presented for the board’s consideration:
New Hire (Certificated): Paula Ehrmantraut, school psychologist, district-wide, $94,000.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year: Samantha Drury, speech-language pathologist, district-wide, $79,875.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year; Torrey Anson, teacher, Sturgis Williams Middle School, $50,000.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year; Andrea Pulscher, teacher, Piedmont Valley Elementary, $51,539.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year; Sarah Walker, teacher, Stagebarn Middle School, $57,424.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year; Charlene Starkweather, teacher, Piedmont Valley Elementary, $60,209.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year. Change of Assignment (Certificated): Amy Conover, psychologist intern, district-wide, $73,000.00 to school psychologist, district-wide, $83,000.00, eff. beginning of the 2024-25 school year. Change of Assignment (Support Staff): Rainee Lisko, administrative assistant to preschool paraprofessional, Whitewood Elementary, eff. 7/1/2024; Stephanie Evens, business office administrative assistant to central copy/warehouse administrative assistant, eff. 6/3/2024. No rate changes. Resignation (Certificated): Karen Johnson, teacher, Sturgis Williams Middle School, eff. end of the 2023-24 school year. Resignation (Support Staff): Kassidy Caspers, paraprofessional, Elm Springs, eff. end of the 2023-24 school year; Alexandria Langer, paraprofessional, Whitewood Elementary, eff. end of the 2023-24 school year. |
5.c. Claims for Payment
5.d. Open Enrollment, In District Transfer and/or Transfer of Athletic Eligibility
5.e. Volunteers
Community members who have volunteered to work in schools throughout the district: None have been presented.
5.f. Activity Assignments & Activity Volunteers
Extracurricular coaches and volunteer coaches will be updated monthly. Any changes will be highlighted in yellow.
6. Conflict of Interest Waivers
Board members and school administrators/officials need to request a conflict of interest waiver before participating in or voting upon a decision concerning an application in which that member has a direct personal or financial interest.
6.a. Approve Sandy Cass Conflict of Interest Waiver
Board member, Sandy Cass has submitted a conflict of interest waiver as presented.
7. Open Forum
Open Forum is an opportunity for patrons to share their thoughts and concerns. The school board will listen, but no discussion takes place and there will not be board action. Board members may ask clarifying questions. The protocol established for open forum is to provide a time limit of three minutes to share concerns. If a patron would like to have a two-way discussion, they are encouraged to schedule a meeting with the superintendent.
8. Recognitions
8.a. Character Education Word of the Month
The Character Education word of the month for June is "Work Ethic," which involves perseverance, persistence, diligence, achievement, determination, and industriousness.
8.b. SBHS Spring Honor Roll Students
Great job to all the 2023-24 SBHS Spring Honor Roll students!
8.c. SBHS Track & Field Place at State
The track and field team competed at the state track meet on May 25 through May 27 in Sioux Falls. The girls finished in 14th place with 10 points. The boys finished in a tie for 6th place.
The boys 4x800 relay team were AA state champions. Team members were Ty Ferguson, Ty Petrocco, Taylor Colunga, and Quinn Bruch. Details of all results are in Activities Director Report below with administrator reports. |
8.d. Aiden Hedderman State Track Performances
Congratulations to SBHS senior, Aiden Hedderman, for his impressive state track meet performances in the 110 hurdles, 300 hurdles and pole vault. Aiden’s times and height were all personal bests as well as school records. His time in the 110 hurdles is the top time in South Dakota history and is also a state meet record and currently ranks in the top 100 times in the nation.
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8.e. SBHS Girls Golf Team
The Scoopers Girls Golf team had one girl qualify for the State Golf Tournament held in Yankton on June 3 and 4. SBHS junior, Lillian Heisinger, shot a two-day total of 177 and finished in a tie for 20th place.
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9. Presentation
9.a. Budget Hearing will start at 6:00pm
We are required by law to hold a public hearing on our proposed budget. A presentation of the budget will be given during the first portion of the hearing, and then we can open it up for comments and/or questions.
We will need to move this item up or down on the agenda as it is publicized to begin at 6:00 p.m.
10. Action Items
10.a. Financial Reports
The monthly financial reports for the board’s review. Brett Burditt will answer any questions you might have regarding financials.
10.b. Canvass of Election Results
The results of the June 4, 2024, election results show that the top three candidates were Scottie Bruch (1946), Aaron Odegaard (1617) and Terry Koontz (1242). It will be necessary for the Board to canvass and certify the results and to declare the winners.
10.c. Approve Casey Peterson 2024 Audit Services
The District received the audit contract terms from Casey Peterson, Ltd. to audit the 2023-24 financial statements. The estimated cost of their services will be $25,000.00 for the audit, $5,500.00 for each federal award program they test, and $6,500.00 for the preparation of the financial statements and related notes. Terms and other costs associated with the audit are outlined in the contract agreement.
10.d. Approve EMC Property & Liability Insurance Package
Business Manager, Brett Burditt, is recommending the Board approve the quote from EMC Insurance in the amount of $545,197.52 for Meade 46-1 property and liability insurance as presented for FY25.
10.e. Cleanrite Custodial Services Agreement
Business Manager, Brett Burditt is recommending the Board approve the services agreement with Cleanrite to provide custodial services at SBHS Academy Building and the Ag Building in the amount of $31,000.00 effective August 26, 2024 and ending May 30, 2025.
10.f. Competition Dance Program
Activities Director, Mike Schultz recommends the Board discontinue the competition dance program due to the lack of participation from students in competitive dance. Two students in high school showed interest.
10.g. SBHS Cafeteria Project - Parking Lot/Drive Lane Soil Remediations
Business Manager, Brett Burditt recommends the Board accept the Change Order in the amount of $33,613.05 from Site Works Specialists for the SBHS Parking Lot Stabilization.
10.h. Soccer Cooperative Agreement
Lead-Deadwood and the Newell School District have shown interest in joining the Sturgis Brown High School boys and girls soccer program. Attached is the board approved cooperative agreement with Lead-Deadwood. Newell School District will be approving at their June 10 school board meeting. This will be brought back for approval at the July board meeting.
10.i. SDHSAA School Board Resolution
The SDHSAA Resolution authorizes membership and ratifies the Constitution, By-Laws, and rules of the South Dakota High School Activities Association as of July 1, 2024, thru June 30, 2025, and agrees to conduct its activities programs within the framework of these instruments.
10.j. SBHS Rodeo Club Arena
Business Manager, Brett Burditt is requesting the Board approve to amend the FY24 capital outlay budget for the purchase of arena panels and gates to use on the property under the lease of the club as long as the club is in existence and has the lease with the district. If approved, the current lease with the rodeo club will be amended and brought back to the Board for approval.
10.k. Amend FY24 Fund 53
Business Manager, Brett Burditt is requesting the Board amend the FY24 Fund 53 SBHS Summer School budget by $3,000.00 for teacher salaries.
10.l. Handle with Care MOU
The updated Handle with Care MOU between the Meade School District and West River Mental Health (previously BMS) is attached for Board approval.
11. Policy Reviews
11.a. School Board Policy KL: Complaint Against School Employee
This is the Third and Final Reading of School Board Policy KL: Complaint Against School Employee.
12. Discussion Items
12.a. Property Tax Levy
In addition to the budget, it is necessary for the Board to determine the tax request to be made to the County Auditor. Superintendent and Business Manager are recommending the Board approve a levy request of $6,500,000.00 for capital outlay due to increased costs for items. The maximum levies for the General Fund are determined each year by law. Action will take place at the July board meeting.
13. Reports
13.a. Administrators
Board reports are enclosed in the Board packet.
13.b. Board Members
13.c. BHSSC
13.d. Superintendent
13.d.1. Bus Route Change Requests
Harlow's is reviewing the requests submitted. Also, we are working on route shifting in the Weston Heights area to see if we can accommodate transportation requests from the Auborn Hills families open enrolling to Stagebarn and Piedmont Valley.
We will schedule our committee meeting when we have this information. |
14. Upcoming Calendar Events
June 19 - Juneteenth (Offices Closed
June 24 - B&G Committee Meeting June 24 - Policy Committee Meeting |
15. Adjournment