December 10, 2024 at 1:00 PM - Construction Manager at Risk Selection CommitteeMeeting Agenda
Agenda |
Pledge of Allegiance
NOTICE: As stated in state statue, a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is posted on the west wall of this meeting room. The meeting was duly advertised in the designated newspaper and all board member were served notice of the meeting.
SEQUENCE OF AGENDA: The sequence of agenda topics is subject to change at the discretion of the board. Please arrive at the beginning of the meeting. CLOSED SESSION: If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in a closed meeting, the board will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law. ACTION ITEM: The board reserves the right to take action on an item listed on the board agenda.
Call Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Excuse Absent Committee Member(s)
Recommended Motion(s):
Motion by Board Member #1 to excuse absent board members ___________,______________, and _____________ Seconded by Board Member #2 Motion carried. |
Construction Manager at Risk Selection Committee Meeting Agenda
Public Participation (Maximum of 30 Minutes Allotted for this Portion of the Meeting)
This is the portion of the meeting when visitors to the meeting may speak to any item.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO SPEAK DURING PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Getting Started: When you have been recognized by the Board President to speak, please stand and state your name and address, as well as the topic on which you will be speaking to the Board of Education. After the Board President has given you permission to proceed, your time will begin. Time Limit: You may speak only one time and must limit comments to 3 minutes or less. Personnel or Student Topic: If you are planning to speak about personnel or student matter involving an individual, please understand that our policies require that such concerns initially be directed to the administration for consideration. Board members will generally not respond to any questions you ask or comments you make about individual staff members or students. You are cautioned that slanderous comments are not protected just because they are made at Board meetings. General Rules: Please remember that this is a public meeting for the conduct of the business of the Board of Education. Comments from within the audience while others are speaking or Board members are speaking will not be tolerated. Offensive language, personal attacks, and hostile conduct will not be tolerated. No Action by the Board: Any item not on the agenda will not be acted upon by the Board of Education at this meeting.
Discuss, Consider, and Take All Necessary Action Regarding the Review and Rating of Proposals for Construction Manager at Risk and Making a Recommendation of up to Three Companies for Interview with the Board of Education.