Agenda |
Call Meeting to Order
The Board can discuss, make motions, and vote on any matter appearing on the agenda. Such motions and votes may be to adopt, reject, table, reaffirm, rescind, or take no action on any agenda item.
Flag Salute
Elementary Rookie of the Year - Ashley Evans, Jane Phillips Elementary School
Teachers receiving advanced degrees
Public Comment
The Board of Education invites public comment at this point in the regular meeting ONLY for items on tonight's agenda. Please sign up on the form provided prior to the meeting. Please Keep Comments to Five Minutes. Board members and administrative staff will not respond to questions from the public at the Board meeting. The Board will not be able to vote on matters brought forward by the public during participation time if such matters are not specific agenda items (Board Policy BDC).
Superintendent's Report
Construction Update
Financial Update
Upcoming Board of Education Meetings
Consent Agenda
All of the following items which concern reports and items of a routine nature normally approved at Board meetings will be approved by one vote unless any Board member desires to have a separate vote on any or all of these items. The Consent Agenda consists of the discussion, consideration, and vote on items A through K.
Approval of Minutes as set out on Attachment "A"
Approval of Purchase Orders and Change Orders through September 16, 2015 as set out on Attachment "B"
Acceptance of Financial Reports for August 2015 as set out on Attachment "C"
Approval of Personnel - Appointments, Resignations, Changes of Status - as set out on Attachment "D"
Acceptance of Donations as set out on Attachment "E"
Acceptance of Treasurer's Report as set out on Attachments "F"
Acceptance of Activity Fund Report as set out on Attachment "G"
Declaration of Items as Surplus as set out on Attachment "H"
Approval of revised Board Policy FEAA - Wellness Policy as set out on Attachment "I"
Approval of renewed agreement with My School Bucks as set out on Attachment "J"
Approval of corrected 2015-2016 Classified Employee Manual as set out on Attachment "K"
Action Topics
Consideration and vote to approve the 2015-2016 Estimate of Needs
Consideration and vote for recommendation to the Bartlesville Education Authority to approve allowance usage for asphalt paving and markings at the band area and to award a contract between the Bartlesville Education Authority and Whaling Construction
Consideration and vote for recommendation to the Bartlesville Education Authority to assign the contract approved in item VII.B. to Nabholz Construction Services
Discussion Topics
GPS 2017 Student Learning update
Elementary test scores
Secondary test scores
ACT test scores
Revised Board Regulation CD-R Purchasing and Distribution
Public Comment
The Board of Education invites public comment at this point in the regular meeting for itemsĀ NOT on tonight's agenda. Please sign up on the form provided prior to the meeting. Please Keep Comments to Five Minutes. Board members and administrative staff will not respond to questions from the public at the Board meeting. The Board will not be able to vote on matters brought forward by the public during participation time if such matters are not specific agenda items (Board Policy BDC). |
New Business
Under this item, the Board can consider and vote on any business that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was posted.
If you need an interpreter or special accommodations for this meeting, please contact Mrs. Sondra Henderson at (918) 336-8600 x1008 to make such arrangements.
POSTED on the bulletin board by the reception desk and at the front door of the Education Service Center, 1100 South Jennings Avenue, Bartlesville, Oklahoma, at 5:30 p.m., Friday, September 18, 2015, by Sondra R. Henderson, Minutes Clerk of the Board. Signed: Sondra R. Henderson Minutes Clerk of the Board |