March 11, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Ardmore Board of Education Regular Meeting
Agenda |
Call the meeting to order, establish a quorum & state compliance with the Open Meeting Act. [James Foreman, Board President]
Pledge of Allegiance [Led By: Will Rogers Early Childhood Students]
Will Rogers Early Childhood Presentation [Donna Blackmon, Principal, and Paige Anderson, Teacher]
Recognition of AMS Football Team and Coach Carl Fields [Andy Davis, Superintendent, and Kim Roberts, Ardmore Middle School Principal]
Consent Agenda
Monthly Financial Report for the Month Ending February 28, 2025.
Encumbrance Orders and Change Orders as listed for FY25.
Fundraiser Requests from Schools, Clubs & Organizations
Contract Approvals/Renewals
Consider and take action to appoint a board member to serve on the Board's Negotiation Team with the Ardmore Education Association for FY26 Negotiations. [Andy Davis, Superintendent]
Consider and take action to appoint a board member to serve on the Board's Negotiation Team with the Ardmore Support Personnel Organization for FY26 Negotiations. [Andy Davis, Superintendent]
New Business not known at the time the agenda was posted.
Consider and take action, if necessary, on the date, time and place of the next regular board meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, April 15, 2025, 5:30 p.m. in the Ardmore Administration Boardroom, 611 Veterans Blvd. Ardmore, OK.
Proposed executive session to discuss the following items, followed by a vote to convene into Executive Session.
The Board President to declare the Executive Session complete, acknowledge the Board's return to open session, and the meeting being reopened to the public; followed by the Executive Session Compliance Announcement as to who was present in the Executive Session, items discussed, note that no other business was discussed, and that no action was taken while in Executive Session.
Consider and take action on the recommended employment of a Teacher Assistant at Will Rogers Early Childhood Center for the 2024-2025 school year.