January 11, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Federal Program Hearing
Communication from the Public - this is an opportunity to provide input regarding Federal Programs (i.e. Title I, Title VI, Title VII-Impact Aid, JOM) or other areas of interest or concern. Patrons are encouraged to follow the established chain of command. |
3. Adoption of the Agenda
4. Communication from the public - The public participation policy is attached.
5. Conflicts Disclosure - This is a time for board members to disclose any conflicts with agenda items.
6. Consider Prom request
7. Approve minutes:
8. Approve Financial Reports and Fund Transfers
9. Approve Bills/Claims
10. Reports
10.A. Elementary Principal
10.B. Secondary Principal
10.C. Special Education and Curriculum Director
10.D. Network Manager
10.E. Business Manager
10.F. Superintendent
10.G. Indian Education Committee Report and Receipt of Jan. 6, 2021 minutes
10.H. South Central Cooperative Report and Receipt of Jan. 8, 2021 Minutes
10.I. Andes Central Teachers’ Association
10.J. Board Committees
10.J.i. Building/Grounds - See attachments:
10.J.ii. Transportation
10.J.iii. Finance/Negotiations
10.J.iv. Curriculum/Policy
10.J.v. Activities Cooperative
11. Second Reading New Policies
11.A. JFGA Law Enforcement and Department of Social Services Student Interview Policy
11.B. JFC Student Conduct
12. Revision of Current Policies - 2nd Reading
12.A. JFGA revised to JFCIA Activity Participation Drug Screening
12.B. JECB Open Enrollment
12.C. JFCC Student Conduct on School Busses
12.D. JEDB Student Dismissal
12.E. JEG Exemptions from School Attendance
12.F. IGBA Special Education and Related Services
12.G. IGA Basic Instructional Program
13. New Business
13.A. Consider fundraisers for FFA
13.B. Consider cheer fundraiser
13.C. Approve IPP and Impact Aid application
13.D. Consider changing open gym supervision pay rate to minimum wage.
13.E. Accept para professional resignation
13.F. Approve proposed changes to Athletic Director Job Description
13.G. Approve advertising for AD position
13.H. Consider hiring Rodney Freeman for negotiations
13.I. Consider offering terms of employment for bus driver
13.J. Consider extending covid leave
14. Motion to Adjourn (Time: )