April 11, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Establish a Quorum and Call the Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Led by London Elementary Students AJ and Allie Amaya |
3. Invocation
Led by: Pastor Forrest Deviney, Asbury United Methodist Church |
4. Recognition
4.A. Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union - Baseball Score Board Donation
4.B. Students of the Month
4.C. Campus Teachers of the Year
4.D. State Qualifiers - Powerlifting
5. Communication & Reports
5.A. Superintendent's Report
5.B. Bond Update
5.C. Public Hearing for Texas Accountability Performance Report (TAPR) 2020-2021
6. Public Participation
6.A. Public Forum
6.B. Public Testimony
7. Financial Information
7.A. Monthly Financial Reports
Leslie Marin
7.B. Tax Collections
Leslie Marin
7.C. Second Quarter Investment Report
Leslie Marin
8. Minutes from Previous Meetings
9. Action Items
9.A. District Donation from Gulf Coast Federal Credit Union
9.B. Interlocal Participation Agreement with the Texas Association of School Boards for Risk Management Fund Coverage Programs
9.C. Surveying Services Conducted by Urban Engineering
9.D. Personnel
9.D.1. Consider Superintendent's recommendations regarding employment of teachers and other non-administrative staff
9.D.2. Non-Chapter 21 Contract Extension for 2022-2023
9.D.3. Report on Resignations and Reassignments
9.D.4. Employment of Professional Personnel
10. Adjourn to Executive Session Discussion pertaining to Texas Government Code are listed below. Decisions will be presented at the appropriate agenda item. In the event there are no items to come before the Board in executive session, this item will be eliminated.
11. Reconvene Into Open Session
12. Consider Delegating Temporary Hiring Authority to the Superintendent for Contracted Personnel
13. Future Meetings and Agenda Items
14. Adjourn