March 10, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order and Welcome Guests
II. Pursuant to TGC 551.071, Consultation with Attorney concerning: 1. Legal issues related to Reduction in Force policies, employee non renewals based on RIF, and procedures with same. 2. Legal issues related to possible termination of probationary contract and proposed non renewal including possible scheduling, procedrual rules and legal repesentation for any nonrenewal hearing. 3. Deliberation regarding proposed nonrenewal of term contract employees and termination of probationary contract employees. and 551.074, Personnel, the Board will enter into Executive Session at _________pm. Discussion of hiring Superintendent and apporval of Superintendent Contract.
III. Discussion and Consideration to Hire Brian Thompson as Superintendent of D'Hanis ISD and approve the contract with Mr. Thompson as discussed in Executive Session.
IV. Public Comment and Citizen Communication
V. Welcome New Superintendent and Family, short recess
VII. Approve Educator Appraisal Waiver for 2020-21, realted to student growth measures due to COVID realted issues.
VIII. Discussion and Approval of a Resloution Granting Extension of Leave During the Inclement Weather Closure.
IX. Discussion and possible action regarding the program change
X. Delliberation and possible action regarding termination of probationary contract employee.
Deliberation and possible action regarding the program change.
XI. Deliberation and possible action regarding proposed nonrenewal of term contract employees.
XII. Deliberation and possible action regarding possible scheduling, procedural rules and legal representation in any nonrenewal hearings during the current school year.
XIII. Deliberation and possible action regarding the program change