Monday, June 26, 2023 6:00 P.M. - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
3. Guests
4. Swearing-in of DLSISD Chief of Police Tracy Robinson
5. Public Forum
6. Consent Items
6.A. Minutes of the regular meeting on May 15, 2023 and special meeting on May 30, 2023
6.B. 2024 PROPOSED Budget - Morris County Appraisal District
6.C. 2024 PROPOSED Budget - Titus County Appraisal District
7. Administrative Reports
7.A. Superintendent's Report
Sandra Quarles
7.A.1. Dates for the Board
7.A.2. Resignations of professional personnel
7.A.3. Employment of professional personnel
7.A.4. Correspondence
7.B. Business Manager's Report
Daniel Pritchett
7.B.1. May, 2023 Financial Reports
7.B.1.a. Income/Expense Reports
7.B.1.b. Financial Statement
7.B.1.c. Investment Report
7.B.1.d. Revenue Report
7.B.1.e. Budget/Expenditure Report
7.B.1.f. Disbursements Report
7.B.1.g. Utilities Report
8. Discussion Items
8.A. Kaymon Farmer, Concession Team/Rural Concession Stand Management Profits
8.B. Possible options in which to honor former Athletic Director/Coach Bill Lane
9. Action Items
9.A. Deliberate and consider approval of contract with Ideal Impact, based on their 2023 energy audit
9.B. Deliberate and consider approval of the 2023-2024 Stipend Schedule
9.C. Deliberate and consider approval of additions/revisions/deletions of (LOCAL) policies resulting from the Policy Review Session conducted on March 20-22, 2023, with drafts prepared by TASB Policy Service (see attached list)
9.D. Deliberate and consider adoption of TASB Policy Update 121
9.D.1. Review of (LEGAL) policies
9.D.2. Adoption of (LOCAL) policies affected:
9.D.2.a. CFB: Accounting: Inventories
9.D.2.b. CKE: Safety Program/Risk Management: Security Personnel
9.D.2.c. CKEA: Security Personnel: Commissioned Peace Officers
9.D.2.d. CLB: Buildings, Grounds, and Equipment Management: Maintenance
9.D.2.e. CRF: Insurance and Annuities Management: Unemployment Insurance
9.D.2.f. CVA: Facilities Construction: Competitive Bidding
9.D.2.g. CVB: Facilities Construction: Competitive Sealed Proposals
9.D.2.h. DEA: Compensation and Benefits: Compensation Plan
9.D.2.i. FD: Admissions
9.D.2.j. FFI: Student Welfare: Freedom from Bullying
9.E. Deliberate and consider nominating a delegate and alternate delegate to the TASB Assembly
9.F. Deliberate and consider approval of budget amendments
10. Closed Session
10.A. Deliberation concerning employment of professional personnel - Texas Gov't Code, Section 551.074
10.B. Deliberation concerning resignation/s of professional personnel - Texas Gov't Code, Section 551.074
10.C. Deliberation concerning appointment to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees, District 3 - Texas Gov't Code Section 551.074
10.D. Deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of individual public officers, including board members or employees - Texas Gov't Code, Section 551.074
10.E. Consultation with Attorney - Texas Gov't Code Section 551.071
11. Return to Open Session
12. Action from Closed Session
12.A. Deliberation and possible action concerning employment of new professional personnel
12.B. Deliberation and possible action concerning resignation/s of professional personnel
12.C. Deliberation and possible action concerning the appointment to fill a vacancy on the Board of Trustees - District 3
12.D. Only if necessary, discuss, consider, and take any necessary action related to the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of individual public officers, including board members or employees
13. Future Topics
14. Adjournment